Vector bundles
Vector bundle $E$ is a manifold that is built on top of another manifold $\mathcal M$ (base space). It is characterized by a continuous function $Π : E → \mathcal M$, such that for each point $p ∈ \mathcal M$ the preimage of $p$ by $Π$, $Π^{-1}(\{p\})$, has a structure of a vector space. These vector spaces are called fibers. Bundle projection can be performed using function bundle_projection
Tangent bundle is a simple example of a vector bundle, where each fiber is the tangent space at the specified point $x$. An object representing a tangent bundle can be obtained using the constructor called TangentBundle
Fibers of a vector bundle are represented by the type VectorBundleFibers
. The important difference between functions operating on VectorBundle
and VectorBundleFibers
is that in the first case both a point on the underlying manifold and the vector are represented together (by a single argument) while in the second case only the vector part is present, while the point is supplied in a different argument where needed.
refers to the whole set of fibers of a vector bundle. There is also another type, VectorSpaceAtPoint
, that represents a specific fiber at a given point. This distinction is made to reduce the need to repeatedly construct objects of type VectorSpaceAtPoint
in certain usage scenarios.
For cases where confusion between different types of vectors is possible, the type FVector
can be used to express which type of vector space the vector belongs to. It is used for example in musical isomorphisms (the flat
and sharp
functions) that are used to go from a tangent space to cotangent space and vice versa.
— MethodCotangentSpaceAtPoint(M::Manifold, p)
Return an object of type VectorSpaceAtPoint
representing cotangent space at p
— TypeFVector(type::VectorSpaceType, data)
Decorator indicating that the vector data
is from a fiber of a vector bundle of type type
— MethodTangentSpaceAtPoint(M::Manifold, p)
Return an object of type VectorSpaceAtPoint
representing tangent space at p
on the Manifold
— TypeTensorProductType(spaces::VectorSpaceType...)
Vector space type corresponding to the tensor product of given vector space types.
— TypeVectorBundle{𝔽,TVS<:VectorSpaceType,TM<:Manifold{𝔽}} <: Manifold{𝔽}
Vector bundle on a Manifold
of type VectorSpaceType
VectorBundle(M::Manifold, type::VectorSpaceType)
— TypeVectorBundleFibers(fiber::VectorSpaceType, M::Manifold)
Type representing a family of vector spaces (fibers) of a vector bundle over M
with vector spaces of type fiber
. In contrast with VectorBundle
, operations on VectorBundleFibers
expect point-like and vector-like parts to be passed separately instead of being bundled together. It can be thought of as a representation of vector spaces from a vector bundle but without storing the point at which a vector space is attached (which is specified separately in various functions).
— TypeVectorBundleVectorTransport(
Vector transport type on VectorBundle
. method_point
is used for vector transport of the point part and method_vector
is used for transport of the vector part
— TypeVectorSpaceAtPoint(fiber::VectorBundleFibers, p)
A vector space (fiber type fiber
of a vector bundle) at point p
from the manifold fiber.manifold
— TypeVectorSpaceType
Abstract type for tangent spaces, cotangent spaces, their tensor products, exterior products, etc.
Every vector space fiber
is supposed to provide:
- a method of constructing vectors,
- basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication by a scalar and negation (unary minus),
zero_vector!(fiber, X, p)
to construct zero vectors at pointp
andallocate(X, T)
for vectorX
and typeT
,copyto!(X, Y)
for vectorsX
for vectorv
,vector_space_dimension(::VectorBundleFibers{<:typeof(fiber)}) where fiber
- inner product via
(used to provide Riemannian metric on vector bundles), flat
(by default usesinner
(for embedded vector spaces),representation_size
(if support forProductArray
is desired),- broadcasting for basic operations.
— Methodexp(B::VectorBundle, p, X)
Exponential map of tangent vector $X$ at point $p$ from vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$).
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
- The tangent vector $X = (V_{X,M}, V_{X,F}) ∈ T_pB$ where $V_{X,M}$ is a tangent vector from the tangent space $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$ and $V_{X,F}$ is a tangent vector from the tangent space $T_{V_p}F$ (isomorphic to $F$).
The exponential map is calculated as
where $V_{\exp}$ is the result of vector transport of $V_p + V_{X,F}$ to the point $\exp_{x_p}(V_{X,M})$. The sum $V_p + V_{X,F}$ corresponds to the exponential map in the vector space $F$.
— Methodlog(B::VectorBundle, p, q)
Logarithmic map of the point y
at point p
from vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$).
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$. Similarly, $q = (x_q, V_q)$.
The logarithmic map is calculated as
where $V_{\log}$ is the result of vector transport of $V_q$ to the point $x_p$. The difference $V_{\log} - V_p$ corresponds to the logarithmic map in the vector space $F$.
— Methodnorm(B::VectorBundleFibers, p, q)
Norm of the vector X
from the vector space of type B.fiber
at point p
from manifold B.manifold
— Methodbundle_projection(B::VectorBundle, x::ProductRepr)
Projection of point p
from the bundle M
to the base manifold. Returns the point on the base manifold B.manifold
at which the vector part of p
is attached.
— Methodflat(M::Manifold, p, X::FVector)
Compute the flat isomorphism (one of the musical isomorphisms) of tangent vector X
from the vector space of type M
at point p
from the underlying Manifold
The function can be used for example to transform vectors from the tangent bundle to vectors from the cotangent bundle $♭ : T\mathcal M → T^{*}\mathcal M$
— Methodsharp(M::Manifold, p, ξ::FVector)
Compute the sharp isomorphism (one of the musical isomorphisms) of vector ξ
from the vector space M
at point p
from the underlying Manifold
The function can be used for example to transform vectors from the cotangent bundle to vectors from the tangent bundle $♯ : T^{*}\mathcal M → T\mathcal M$
— Methodvector_bundle_transport(fiber::VectorSpaceType, M::Manifold)
Determine the vector tranport used for exp
and log
maps on a vector bundle with vector space type fiber
and manifold M
— Methodvector_space_dimension(B::VectorBundleFibers)
Dimension of the vector space of type B
— Methodzero_vector!(B::VectorBundleFibers, X, p)
Save the zero vector from the vector space of type B.fiber
at point p
from manifold B.manifold
to X
— Methodzero_vector(B::VectorBundleFibers, p)
Compute the zero vector from the vector space of type B.fiber
at point p
from manifold B.manifold
— Methodallocate_result(B::VectorBundleFibers, f, x...)
Allocates an array for the result of function f
that is an element of the vector space of type B.fiber
on manifold B.manifold
and arguments x...
for implementing the non-modifying operation using the modifying operation.
— Methodallocate_result_type(B::VectorBundleFibers, f, args::NTuple{N,Any}) where N
Returns type of element of the array that will represent the result of function f
for representing an operation with result in the vector space fiber
for manifold M
on given arguments (passed at a tuple).
— Methoddistance(B::VectorBundle, p, q)
Distance between points $x$ and $y$ from the vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$).
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$. Similarly, $q = (x_q, V_q)$.
The distance is calculated as
where $d_\mathcal M$ is the distance on manifold $\mathcal M$, $d_F$ is the distance between two vectors from the fiber $F$ and $V_{q←p}$ is the result of parallel transport of vector $V_q$ to point $x_p$. The default behavior of vector_transport_to
is used to compute the vector transport.
— Methoddistance(B::VectorBundleFibers, p, X, Y)
Distance between vectors X
and Y
from the vector space at point p
from the manifold B.manifold
, that is the base manifold of M
— Methodinner(B::VectorBundle, p, X, Y)
Inner product of tangent vectors X
and Y
at point p
from the vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$).
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
- The tangent vector $v = (V_{X,M}, V_{X,F}) ∈ T_{x}B$ where $V_{X,M}$ is a tangent vector from the tangent space $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$ and $V_{X,F}$ is a tangent vector from the tangent space $T_{V_p}F$ (isomorphic to $F$). Similarly for the other tangent vector $w = (V_{Y,M}, V_{Y,F}) ∈ T_{x}B$.
The inner product is calculated as
— Methodinner(B::VectorBundleFibers, p, X, Y)
Inner product of vectors X
and Y
from the vector space of type B.fiber
at point p
from manifold B.manifold
— Methodproject(B::VectorBundle, p, X)
Project the element X
of the ambient space of the tangent space $T_p B$ to the tangent space $T_p B$.
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
- The vector $x = (V_{X,M}, V_{X,F})$ where $x_p$ belongs to the ambient space of $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$ and $V_{X,F}$ belongs to the ambient space of the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
The projection is calculated by projecting $V_{X,M}$ to tangent space $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$ and then projecting the vector $V_{X,F}$ to the fiber $F$.
— Methodproject(B::VectorBundle, p)
Project the point p
from the ambient space of the vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$) to the vector bundle.
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p$ belongs to the ambient space of $\mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the ambient space of the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
The projection is calculated by projecting the point $x_p$ to the manifold $\mathcal M$ and then projecting the vector $V_p$ to the tangent space $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$.
— Methodproject(B::VectorBundleFibers, p, X)
Project vector X
from the vector space of type B.fiber
at point p
— Methodvector_transport_to(M::VectorBundle, p, X, q, m::VectorBundleVectorTransport)
Compute the vector transport the tangent vector X
at p
to q
on the VectorBundle
using the VectorBundleVectorTransport
— Methodzero_tangent_vector(B::VectorBundle, p)
Zero tangent vector at point p
from the vector bundle B
over manifold B.fiber
(denoted $\mathcal M$). The zero vector belongs to the space $T_{p}B$
- The point $p = (x_p, V_p)$ where $x_p ∈ \mathcal M$ and $V_p$ belongs to the fiber $F=π^{-1}(\{x_p\})$ of the vector bundle $B$ where $π$ is the canonical projection of that vector bundle $B$.
The zero vector is calculated as
where $\mathbf{0}_{x_p}$ is the zero tangent vector from $T_{x_p}\mathcal M$ and $\mathbf{0}_F$ is the zero element of the vector space $F$.