The Manifold interface

The AbstractManifold

The main type is the AbstractManifold. It represents the manifold per se. Throughout the documentation of ManifoldsBase.jl we might use the Euclidean Space and the Sphere (both implemented in Manifolds.jl) as easy examples to illustrate properties and features of this interface on concrete examples.


A type to represent a (Riemannian) manifold. The AbstractManifold is a central type of this interface. It allows to distinguish different implementations of functions like the exponential and logarithmic map for different manifolds. Usually, the manifold is the first parameter in any of these functions within ManifoldsBase.jl. Based on these, say “elementary” functions, as the two mentioned above, more general functions are built, for example the shortest_geodesic and the geodesic. These should only be overwritten (reimplemented) if for a certain manifold specific, more efficient implementations are possible, that do not just call the elementary functions.

The [AbstractManifold] is parametrized by AbstractNumbers to distinguish for example real (ℝ) and complex (ℂ) manifolds.

For subtypes the preferred order of parameters is: size and simple value parameters, followed by the AbstractNumbers field, followed by data type parameters, which might depend on the abstract number field type.


which should store information about the manifold, for example parameters inherent to the manifold.

Points on a manifold

Points do not necessarily have to be typed. Usually one can just use any type. When a manifold has multiple representations, these should be distinguished by point and vector types.


Type for a point on a manifold. While an AbstractManifold does not necessarily require this type, for example when it is implemented for Vectors or Matrix type elements, this type can be used either

  • for more complicated representations,
  • semantic verification, or
  • when dispatching on different representations of points on a manifold.

Since semantic verification and different representations usually might still only store a matrix internally, it is possible to use @manifold_element_forwards and @default_manifold_fallbacks to reduce implementation overhead.


Converting points between different representations can be performed using the convert function with either two or three arguments (convert(T, M, p) or convert(T, p)). For some manifolds providing M may be necessary. The first variant falls back to the second variant.

Tangent and Cotangent spaces

AbstractCotangentVector = AbstractFibreVector{CotangentSpaceType}

Type for a cotangent vector of a manifold. While a AbstractManifold does not necessarily require this type, for example when it is implemented for Vectors or Matrix type elements, this type can be used for more complicated representations, semantic verification, or even dispatch for different representations of cotangent vectors and their types on a manifold.


Type for a vector from a vector space (fibre of a vector bundle) of type TType of a manifold. While a AbstractManifold does not necessarily require this type, for example when it is implemented for Vectors or Matrix type elements, this type can be used for more complicated representations, semantic verification, or even dispatch for different representations of tangent vectors and their types on a manifold.

You may use macro @manifold_vector_forwards to introduce commonly used method definitions for your subtype of AbstractFibreVector.

AbstractTangentVector = AbstractFibreVector{TangentSpaceType}

Type for a tangent vector of a manifold. While a AbstractManifold does not necessarily require this type, for example when it is implemented for Vectors or Matrix type elements, this type can be used for more complicated representations, semantic verification, or even dispatch for different representations of tangent vectors and their types on a manifold.

FVector(type::VectorSpaceType, data, basis::AbstractBasis)

Decorator indicating that the vector data contains coordinates of a vector from a fiber of a vector bundle of type type. basis is an object describing the basis of that space in which the coordinates are given.

Conversion between FVector representation and the default representation of an object (for example a tangent vector) for a manifold should be done using get_coordinates and get_vector.


julia> using Manifolds

julia> M = Sphere(2)
Sphere(2, ℝ)

julia> p = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> X = [0.0, 2.0, -1.0]
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> B = DefaultOrthonormalBasis()

julia> fX = TFVector(get_coordinates(M, p, X, B), B)
TFVector([2.0, -1.0], DefaultOrthonormalBasis(ℝ))

julia> X_back = get_vector(M, p,, fX.basis)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

This interface also covers a large variety how to model bases in tangent spaces.

Converting tangent vectors between different representations can be performed using the convert function with either three or four arguments (convert(T, M, p, X) or convert(T, p, X)). For some manifolds providing M may be necessary. The first variant falls back to the second variant.

Macros for automatic forwards for simple points/tangent vectors

When distinguishing different representations of points or tangent vectors on one manifold, it might happen that both a subtype of AbstractManifoldPoint and a subtype of AbstractTangentVector are just encapsulating a value

This is taken into account by the following macros, that forward several actions just to this field. Most prominently vector operations for the tangent vectors. If there is still a default case, a macro sets this type to be equivalent to calling the manifold functions just with the types field that carries the value.

default_manifold_fallbacks(TM, TP, TV, pfield::Symbol, vfield::Symbol)

Introduce default fallbacks for all basic functions on manifolds, for manifold of type TM, points of type TP, tangent vectors of type TV, with forwarding to fields pfield and vfield for point and tangent vector functions, respectively.

manifold_element_forwards(T, field::Symbol)
manifold_element_forwards(T, Twhere, field::Symbol)

Introduce basic fallbacks for type T (which can be a subtype of Twhere) that represents points or vectors for a manifold. Fallbacks will work by forwarding to the field passed in field`

List of forwarded functions:

manifold_vector_forwards(T, field::Symbol)
manifold_vector_forwards(T, Twhere, field::Symbol)

Introduce basic fallbacks for type T that represents vectors from a vector bundle for a manifold. Twhere is put into where clause of each method. Fallbacks work by forwarding to field passed as field.

List of forwarded functions:


@eval @manifold_vector_forwards ValidationFibreVector{TType} TType value

Number Systems

The AbstractManifold has one parameter to distinguish the number system a manifold is based on.


Compute a number system that includes all given number systems (as sub-systems) and is closed under addition and multiplication.


Type Parameter

Concrete AbstractManifolds usually correspond to families of manifolds that are parameterized by some numbers, for example determining their manifold_dimension. Those numbers can either be stored in a field or as a type parameter of the structure. The TypeParameter offers the flexibility to have this parameter either as type parameter or a field.


Represents numeric parameters of a manifold type as type parameters, allowing for static specialization of methods.

wrap_type_parameter(parameter::Symbol, data)

Wrap data in TypeParameter if parameter is :type or return data unchanged if parameter is :field. Intended for use in manifold constructors, see DefaultManifold for an example.
