Connection manifold

A connection manifold always consists of a topological manifold together with a connection $ฮ“$.

However, often there is an implicitly assumed (default) connection, like the LeviCivitaConnection connection on a Riemannian manifold. It is not necessary to use this decorator if you implement just one (or the first) connection. If you later introduce a second, the old (first) connection can be used without an explicitly stated connection.

This manifold decorator serves two purposes:

  1. to implement different connections (e.g. in closed form) for one AbstractManifold
  2. to provide a way to compute geodesics on manifolds, where this AbstractAffineConnection does not yield a closed formula.

An example of usage can be found in Cartan-Schouten connections, see AbstractCartanSchoutenConnection.


Manifolds.IsConnectionManifold โ€” Type
IsConnectionManifold <: AbstractTrait

Specify that a certain decorated Manifold is a connection manifold in the sence that it provides explicit connection properties, extending/changing the default connection properties of a manifold.



Base.exp โ€” Method
exp(::TraitList{IsConnectionManifold}, M::AbstractDecoratorManifold, p, X)

Compute the exponential map on a manifold that IsConnectionManifold M equipped with corresponding affine connection.

If M is a MetricManifold with a IsDefaultMetric trait, this method falls back to exp(M, p, X).

Otherwise it numerically integrates the underlying ODE, see solve_exp_ode. Currently, the numerical integration is only accurate when using a single coordinate chart that covers the entire manifold. This excludes coordinates in an embedded space.

Manifolds.christoffel_symbols_first โ€” Method
    backend::AbstractDiffBackend = default_differential_backend(),

Compute the Christoffel symbols of the first kind in local coordinates of basis B. The Christoffel symbols are (in Einstein summation convention)

\[ฮ“_{ijk} = \frac{1}{2} \Bigl[g_{kj,i} + g_{ik,j} - g_{ij,k}\Bigr],\]

where $g_{ij,k}=\frac{โˆ‚}{โˆ‚ p^k} g_{ij}$ is the coordinate derivative of the local representation of the metric tensor. The dimensions of the resulting multi-dimensional array are ordered $(i,j,k)$.

Manifolds.christoffel_symbols_second โ€” Method
    backend::AbstractDiffBackend = default_differential_backend(),

Compute the Christoffel symbols of the second kind in local coordinates of basis B. For affine connection manifold the Christoffel symbols need to be explicitly implemented while, for a MetricManifold they are computed as (in Einstein summation convention)

\[ฮ“^{l}_{ij} = g^{kl} ฮ“_{ijk},\]

where $ฮ“_{ijk}$ are the Christoffel symbols of the first kind (see christoffel_symbols_first), and $g^{kl}$ is the inverse of the local representation of the metric tensor. The dimensions of the resulting multi-dimensional array are ordered $(l,i,j)$.

Manifolds.christoffel_symbols_second_jacobian โ€” Method
    backend::AbstractDiffBackend = default_differential_backend(),

Get partial derivatives of the Christoffel symbols of the second kind for manifold M at p with respect to the coordinates of B, i.e.

\[\frac{โˆ‚}{โˆ‚ p^l} ฮ“^{k}_{ij} = ฮ“^{k}_{ij,l}.\]

The dimensions of the resulting multi-dimensional array are ordered $(i,j,k,l)$.

Manifolds.gaussian_curvature โ€” Method
gaussian_curvature(M::AbstractManifold, p, B::AbstractBasis; backend::AbstractDiffBackend = default_differential_backend())

Compute the Gaussian curvature of the manifold M at the point p using basis B. This is equal to half of the scalar Ricci curvature, see ricci_curvature.

Manifolds.solve_exp_ode โ€” Method
    B::AbstractBasis = DefaultOrthonormalBasis(),
    backend::AbstractDiffBackend = default_differential_backend(),
    solver = AutoVern9(Rodas5()),

Approximate the exponential map on the manifold by evaluating the ODE descripting the geodesic at 1, assuming the default connection of the given manifold by solving the ordinary differential equation

\[\frac{d^2}{dt^2} p^k + ฮ“^k_{ij} \frac{d}{dt} p_i \frac{d}{dt} p_j = 0,\]

where $ฮ“^k_{ij}$ are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind, and the Einstein summation convention is assumed. The argument solver follows the OrdinaryDiffEq conventions. kwargs... specify keyword arguments that will be passed to OrdinaryDiffEq.solve.

Currently, the numerical integration is only accurate when using a single coordinate chart that covers the entire manifold. This excludes coordinates in an embedded space.


This function only works when OrdinaryDiffEq.jl is loaded with

using OrdinaryDiffEq
ManifoldsBase.riemann_tensor โ€” Method
riemann_tensor(M::AbstractManifold, p, B::AbstractBasis; backend::AbstractDiffBackend=default_differential_backend())

Compute the Riemann tensor $R^l_{ijk}$, also known as the Riemann curvature tensor, at the point p in local coordinates defined by B. The dimensions of the resulting multi-dimensional array are ordered $(l,i,j,k)$.

The function uses the coordinate expression involving the second Christoffel symbol, see for details.

See also

christoffel_symbols_second, christoffel_symbols_second_jacobian


Charts and bases of vector spaces

All connection-related functions take a basis of a vector space as one of the arguments. This is needed because generally there is no way to define these functions without referencing a basis. In some cases there is no need to be explicit about this basis, and then for example a DefaultOrthonormalBasis object can be used. In cases where being explicit about these bases is needed, for example when using multiple charts, a basis can be specified, for example using induced_basis.