
Documentation for testing utilities for Manifolds.jl. The function test_manifold can be used to verify that your manifold correctly implements the Manifolds.jl interface. Similarly test_group and test_action can be used to verify implementation of groups and group actions.


Find an appropriate tolerance for given points or tangent vectors, or their types.


Test general properties of manifold M, given at least three different points that lie on it (contained in pts).


  • basis_has_specialized_diagonalizing_get = false: if true, assumes that DiagonalizingOrthonormalBasis given in basis_types has get_coordinates and get_vector that work without caching.
  • basis_types_to_from = (): basis types that will be tested based on get_coordinates and get_vector.
  • basis_types_vecs = () : basis types that will be tested based on get_vectors
  • default_inverse_retraction_method = ManifoldsBase.LogarithmicInverseRetraction(): default method for inverse retractions (log.
  • default_retraction_method = ManifoldsBase.ExponentialRetraction(): default method for retractions (exp).
  • exp_log_atol_multiplier = 0: change absolute tolerance of exp/log tests (0 use default, i.e. deactivate atol and use rtol).
  • exp_log_rtol_multiplier = 1: change the relative tolerance of exp/log tests (1 use default). This is deactivated if the exp_log_atol_multiplier is nonzero.
  • expected_dimension_type = Integer: expected type of value returned by manifold_dimension.
  • inverse_retraction_methods = []: inverse retraction methods that will be tested.
  • is_mutating = true: whether mutating variants of functions should be tested.
  • is_point_atol_multiplier = 0: determines atol of is_point checks.
  • is_tangent_atol_multiplier = 0: determines atol of is_vector checks.
  • mid_point12 = test_exp_log ? shortest_geodesic(M, pts[1], pts[2], 0.5) : nothing: if not nothing, then check that mid_point(M, pts[1], pts[2]) is approximately equal to mid_point12. This is by default set to nothing if text_exp_log is set to false.
  • point_distributions = [] : point distributions to test.
  • rand_tvector_atol_multiplier = 0 : chage absolute tolerance in testing random vectors (0 use default, i.e. deactivate atol and use rtol) random tangent vectors are tangent vectors.
  • retraction_atol_multiplier = 0: change absolute tolerance of (inverse) retraction tests (0 use default, i.e. deactivate atol and use rtol).
  • retraction_rtol_multiplier = 1: change the relative tolerance of (inverse) retraction tests (1 use default). This is deactivated if the exp_log_atol_multiplier is nonzero.
  • retraction_methods = []: retraction methods that will be tested.
  • test_atlases = []: Vector or tuple of atlases that should be tested.
  • test_exp_log = true: if true, check that exp is the inverse of log.
  • test_injectivity_radius = true: whether implementation of injectivity_radius should be tested.
  • test_inplace = false : if true check if inplace variants work if they are activated, e.g. check that exp!(M, p, p, X) work if test_exp_log = true. This in general requires is_mutating to be true.
  • test_is_tangent: if true check that the default_inverse_retraction_method actually returns valid tangent vectors.
  • test_musical_isomorphisms = false : test musical isomorphisms.
  • test_mutating_rand = false : test the mutating random function for points on manifolds.
  • test_project_point = false: test projections onto the manifold.
  • test_project_tangent = false : test projections on tangent spaces.
  • test_representation_size = true : test repersentation size of points/tvectprs.
  • test_tangent_vector_broadcasting = true : test boradcasting operators on TangentSpace.
  • test_vector_spaces = true : test Vector bundle of this manifold.
  • test_default_vector_transport = false : test the default vector transport (usually parallel transport).
  • test_vee_hat = false: test vee and hat functions.
  • tvector_distributions = [] : tangent vector distributions to test.
  • vector_transport_methods = []: vector transport methods that should be tested.
  • vector_transport_inverse_retractions = [default_inverse_retraction_method for _ in 1:length(vector_transport_methods)]` inverse retractions to use with the vector transport method (especially the differentiated ones)
  • vector_transport_to = [ true for _ in 1:length(vector_transport_methods)]: whether to check the to variant of vector transport
  • vector_transport_direction = [ true for _ in 1:length(vector_transport_methods)]: whether to check the direction variant of vector transport
test_parallel_transport(M,P; along=false, to=true, diretion=true)

Generic tests for parallel transport on Mgiven at least two pointsin P.

The single functions to transport along (a curve), to (a point) or (towards a) direction are sub-tests that can be activated by the keywords arguemnts

!!! Note Since the interface to specify curves is not yet provided, the along keyword does not have an effect yet

    X_pts = [];
    atol = 1e-10,
    atol_ident_compose = 0,
    test_optimal_alignment = false,
    test_diff = false,
    test_switch_direction = true,

Tests general properties of the action A, given at least three different points that lie on it (contained in a_pts) and three different point that lie on the manifold it acts upon (contained in m_pts).


  • atol_ident_compose = 0: absolute tolerance for the test that composition with identity doesn't change the group element.
    X_pts::AbstractVector = [],
    Xe_pts::AbstractVector = [];
    atol = 1e-10,
    test_mutating = true,
    test_exp_lie_log = true,
    test_diff = false,
    test_invariance = false,
    diff_convs = [(), (LeftAction(),), (RightAction(),)],

Tests general properties of the group G, given at least three different points elements of it (contained in g_pts). Optionally, specify test_diff to test differentials of translation, using X_pts, which must contain at least one tangent vector at g_pts[1], and the direction conventions specified in diff_convs. Xe_pts should contain tangent vectors at identity for testing Lie algebra operations. If the group is equipped with an invariant metric, test_invariance indicates that the invariance should be checked for the provided points.
