Flag manifold
โ TypeFlag{T,d} <: AbstractDecoratorManifold{โ}
Flag manifold of $d$ subspaces of $โ^N$ [YWL21]. By default the manifold uses the Stiefel coordinates representation, embedding it in the Stiefel
manifold. The other available representation is an embedding in OrthogonalMatrices
. It can be utilized using OrthogonalPoint
and OrthogonalTangentVector
Tangent space is represented in the block-skew-symmetric form.
Flag(N, n1, n2, ..., nd; parameter::Symbol=:type)
Generate the manifold $\operatorname{Flag}(n_1, n_2, ..., n_d; N)$ of subspaces
\[๐_1 โ ๐_2 โ โฏ โ V_d, \quad \operatorname{dim}(๐_i) = n_i\]
where $๐_i$ for $i โ 1, 2, โฆ, d$ are subspaces of $โ^N$ of dimension $\operatorname{dim} ๐_i = n_i$.
: whether a type parameter should be used to store n
. By default size is stored in type. Value can either be :field
or :type
โ TypeOrthogonalPoint <: AbstractManifoldPoint
A type to represent points on a manifold Flag
in the orthogonal coordinates representation, i.e. a rotation matrix.
โ TypeOrthogonalTangentVector <: AbstractTangentVector
A type to represent tangent vectors to points on a Flag
manifold in the orthogonal coordinates representation.
โ TypeZeroTuple
Internal structure for representing shape of a Flag
manifold. Behaves like a normal tuple, except at index zero returns value 0.
โ Methodconvert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint, X::OrthogonalTangentVector)
Convert tangent vector from Flag
manifold M
from orthogonal representation to Stiefel representation.
โ Methodconvert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint)
Convert point p
from Flag
manifold M
from orthogonal representation to Stiefel representation.
โ Methodconvert(::Type{OrthogonalPoint}, M::Flag, p::AbstractMatrix)
Convert point p
from Flag
manifold M
from Stiefel representation to orthogonal representation.
โ Methodconvert(::Type{OrthogonalTangentVector}, M::Flag, p::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix)
Convert tangent vector from Flag
manifold M
from Stiefel representation to orthogonal representation.
โ MethodManifoldsBase.injectivity_radius
โ Methodinjectivity_radius(M::Flag)
injectivity_radius(M::Flag, p)
Return the injectivity radius on the Flag
, which is $\frac{ฯ}{2}$.
โ Methodmanifold_dimension(M::Flag)
Return dimension of flag manifold $\operatorname{Flag}(n_1, n_2, ..., n_d; N)$. The formula reads $\sum_{i=1}^d (n_i-n_{i-1})(N-n_i)$.
The flag manifold represented as points on the Stiefel manifold
โ Methodcheck_vector(M::Flag, p::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix; kwargs... )
Check whether X
is a tangent vector to point p
on the Flag
manifold M
$\operatorname{Flag}(n_1, n_2, ..., n_d; N)$ in the Stiefel representation, i.e. that X
is a matrix of the form
\[X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & B_{1,2} & โฏ & B_{1,d} \\ -B_{1,2}^\mathrm{T} & 0 & โฏ & B_{2,d} \\ \vdots & \vdots & โฑ & \vdots \\ -B_{1,d}^\mathrm{T} & -B_{2,d}^\mathrm{T} & โฏ & 0 \\ -B_{1,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & -B_{2,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & โฏ & -B_{d,d+1}^\mathrm{T} \end{bmatrix}\]
where $B_{i,j} โ โ^{(n_i - n_{i-1}) ร (n_j - n_{j-1})}$, for $1 โค i < j โค d+1$.
โ Methoddefault_inverse_retraction_method(M::Flag)
Return PolarInverseRetraction
as the default inverse retraction for the Flag
โ Methoddefault_retraction_method(M::Flag)
Return PolarRetraction
as the default retraction for the Flag
โ Methoddefault_vector_transport_method(M::Flag)
Return the ProjectionTransport
as the default vector transport method for the Flag
โ Methodinverse_retract(M::Flag, p, q, ::PolarInverseRetraction)
Compute the inverse retraction for the PolarRetraction
, on the Flag
manifold M
โ Methodproject(::Flag, p, X)
Project vector X
in the Euclidean embedding to the tangent space at point p
on Flag
manifold. The formula reads [YWL21]:
\[Y_i = X_i - (p_i p_i^{\mathrm{T}}) X_i + \sum_{j \neq i} p_j X_j^{\mathrm{T}} p_i\]
for $i$ from 1 to $d$ where the resulting vector is $Y = [Y_1, Y_2, โฆ, Y_d]$ and $X = [X_1, X_2, โฆ, X_d]$, $p = [p_1, p_2, โฆ, p_d]$ are decompositions into basis vector matrices for consecutive subspaces of the flag.
โ Methodretract(M::Flag, p, X, ::PolarRetraction)
Compute the SVD-based retraction PolarRetraction
on the Flag
. With $USV = p + X$ the retraction reads
\[\operatorname{retr}_p X = UV^\mathrm{H},\]
where $\cdot^{\mathrm{H}}$ denotes the complex conjugate transposed or Hermitian.
The flag manifold represented as orthogonal matrices
โ Methodcheck_vector(M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint, X::OrthogonalTangentVector; kwargs... )
Check whether X
is a tangent vector to point p
on the Flag
manifold M
$\operatorname{Flag}(n_1, n_2, ..., n_d; N)$ in the orthogonal matrix representation, i.e. that X
is block-skew-symmetric with zero diagonal:
\[X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & B_{1,2} & โฏ & B_{1,d+1} \\ -B_{1,2}^\mathrm{T} & 0 & โฏ & B_{2,d+1} \\ \vdots & \vdots & โฑ & \vdots \\ -B_{1,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & -B_{2,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & โฏ & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]
where $B_{i,j} โ โ^{(n_i - n_{i-1}) ร (n_j - n_{j-1})}$, for $1 โค i < j โค d+1$.
โ Methodget_embedding(M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint)
Get embedding of Flag
manifold M
, i.e. the manifold OrthogonalMatrices
โ Methodproject(M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint, X::OrthogonalTangentVector)
Project vector X
to tangent space at point p
from Flag
manifold M
$\operatorname{Flag}(n_1, n_2, ..., n_d; N)$, in the orthogonal matrix representation. It works by first projecting X
to the space of SkewHermitianMatrices
and then setting diagonal blocks to 0:
\[X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & B_{1,2} & โฏ & B_{1,d+1} \\ -B_{1,2}^\mathrm{T} & 0 & โฏ & B_{2,d+1} \\ \vdots & \vdots & โฑ & \vdots \\ -B_{1,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & -B_{2,d+1}^\mathrm{T} & โฏ & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]
where $B_{i,j} โ โ^{(n_i - n_{i-1}) ร (n_j - n_{j-1})}$, for $1 โค i < j โค d+1$.
โ Methodretract(M::Flag, p::OrthogonalPoint, X::OrthogonalTangentVector, ::QRRetraction)
Compute the QR retraction on the Flag
in the orthogonal matrix representation as the first order approximation to the exponential map. Similar to QR retraction for [GeneralUnitaryMatrices