
Exports aim to provide a consistent generation of images of your results. For example if you record the trace your algorithm walks on the Sphere, you can easily export this trace to a rendered image using asymptote_export_S2_signals and render the result with Asymptote. Despite these, you can always record values during your iterations, and export these, for example to csv.


The following functions provide exports both in graphics and/or raw data using Asymptote.


Export given data as an array of points on the 2-sphere, which might be one-, two- or three-dimensional data with points on the Sphere$\mathbb S^2$.


  • filename a file to store the Asymptote code in.

Optional arguments for the data

  • data a point representing the 1D,2D, or 3D array of points
  • elevation_color_scheme A ColorScheme for elevation
  • scale_axes=(1/3,1/3,1/3): move spheres closer to each other by a factor per direction

Optional arguments for asymptote

  • arrow_head_size=1.8: size of the arrowheads of the vectors (in mm)
  • camera_position position of the camera scene (default: atop the center of the data in the xy-plane)
  • target position the camera points at (default: center of xy-plane within data).
asymptote_export_S2_signals(filename; points, curves, tangent_vectors, colors, kwargs...)

Export given points, curves, and tangent_vectors on the sphere $\mathbb S^2$ to Asymptote.


  • filename a file to store the Asymptote code in.

Keywaord arguments for the data

  • colors=Dict{Symbol,Array{RGBA{Float64},1}}(): dictionary of color arrays, indexed by symbols :points, :curves and :tvector, where each entry has to provide as least as many colors as the length of the corresponding sets.
  • curves=Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef, 0): an Array of Arrays of points on the sphere, where each inner array is interpreted as a curve and is accompanied by an entry within colors.
  • points=Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef, 0): an Array of Arrays of points on the sphere where each inner array is interpreted as a set of points and is accompanied by an entry within colors.
  • tangent_vectors=Array{Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64},1},1}(undef, 0): an Array of Arrays of tuples, where the first is a points, the second a tangent vector and each set of vectors is accompanied by an entry from within colors.

Keyword arguments for asymptote

  • arrow_head_size=6.0: size of the arrowheads of the tangent vectors
  • arrow_head_sizes overrides the previous value to specify a value per tVector` set.
  • camera_position=(1., 1., 0.): position of the camera in the Asymptote scene
  • line_width=1.0: size of the lines used to draw the curves.
  • line_widths overrides the previous value to specify a value per curve and tVector` set.
  • dot_size=1.0: size of the dots used to draw the points.
  • dot_sizes overrides the previous value to specify a value per point set.
  • size=nothing: a tuple for the image size, otherwise a relative size 4cm is used.
  • sphere_color=RGBA{Float64}(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.6): color of the sphere the data is drawn on
  • sphere_line_color=RGBA{Float64}(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.6): color of the lines on the sphere
  • sphere_line_width=0.5: line width of the lines on the sphere
  • target=(0.,0.,0.): position the camera points at

export given data as a point on a Power(SymmetricPOsitiveDefinnite(3))} manifold of one-, two- or three-dimensional data with points on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices.


  • filename a file to store the Asymptote code in.

Optional arguments for the data

  • data a point representing the 1D, 2D, or 3D array of SPD matrices
  • color_scheme a ColorScheme for Geometric Anisotropy Index
  • scale_axes=(1/3,1/3,1/3): move symmetric positive definite matrices closer to each other by a factor per direction compared to the distance estimated by the maximal eigenvalue of all involved SPD points

Optional arguments for asymptote

  • camera_position position of the camera scene (default: atop the center of the data in the xy-plane)
  • target position the camera points at (default: center of xy-plane within data).

Both values camera_position and target are scaled by scaledAxes*EW, where EW is the maximal eigenvalue in the data.

render_asymptote(filename; render=4, format="png", ...)

render an exported asymptote file specified in the filename, which can also be given as a relative or full path


  • filename filename of the exported asy and rendered image

Keyword arguments

the default values are given in brackets

  • render=4: render level of asymptote passed to its -render option. This can be removed from the command by setting it to nothing.
  • format="png": final rendered format passed to the -f option
  • export_file: (the filename with format as ending) specify the export filename