Multinomial doubly stochastic matrices

AbstractMultinomialDoublyStochastic <: AbstractDecoratorManifold{ℝ}

A common type for manifolds that are doubly stochastic, for example by direct constraint MultinomialDoubleStochastic or by symmetry MultinomialSymmetric, or additionally by symmetric positive definiteness MultinomialSymmetricPositiveDefinite as long as they are also modeled as IsIsometricEmbeddedManifold.

That way they share the inner product (just by restriction), and even the Riemannian gradient

MultinomialDoublyStochastic{T} <: AbstractMultinomialDoublyStochastic

The set of doubly stochastic multinomial matrices consists of all $n×n$ matrices with stochastic columns and rows, i.e.

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{DP}(n) \coloneqq \bigl\{p ∈ ℝ^{n×n}\ \big|\ &p_{i,j} > 0 \text{ for all } i=1,…,n, j=1,…,m,\\ & p\mathbf{1}_n = p^{\mathrm{T}}\mathbf{1}_n = \mathbf{1}_n \bigr\}, \end{aligned}\]

where $\mathbf{1}_n$ is the vector of length $n$ containing ones.

The tangent space can be written as

\[T_p\mathcal{DP}(n) \coloneqq \bigl\{ X ∈ ℝ^{n×n}\ \big|\ X = X^{\mathrm{T}} \text{ and } X\mathbf{1}_n = X^{\mathrm{T}}\mathbf{1}_n = \mathbf{0}_n \bigr\},\]

where $\mathbf{0}_n$ is the vector of length $n$ containing zeros.

More details can be found in Section III [DH19].


MultinomialDoubleStochastic(n::Int; parameter::Symbol=:type)

Generate the manifold of matrices $ℝ^{n×n}$ that are doubly stochastic and symmetric.

rand(::MultinomialDoubleStochastic; vector_at=nothing, σ::Real=1.0, kwargs...)

Generate random points on the MultinomialDoubleStochastic manifold or tangent vectors at the point vector_at if that is not nothing.

Let $n×n$ denote the matrix dimension of the MultinomialDoubleStochastic.

When vector_at is nothing, this is done by generating a random matrixrand(n,n) with positive entries and projecting it onto the manifold. The kwargs... are passed to this projection.

When vector_at is not nothing, a random matrix in the ambient space is generated and projected onto the tangent space

riemannian_gradient(M::AbstractMultinomialDoublyStochastic, p, Y; kwargs...)

Let $Y$ denote the Euclidean gradient of a function $\tilde f$ defined in the embedding neighborhood of M, then the Riemannian gradient is given by Lemma 1 [DH19] as

\[ \operatorname{grad} f(p) = \proj_{T_p\mathcal M}(Y⊙p)\]

where $⊙$ denotes the Hadamard or elementwise product, and the projection is the projection onto the tangent space of the corresponding manifold.

    maxiter = 100,
    tolerance = eps(eltype(p))

project a matrix p with positive entries applying Sinkhorn's algorithm. Note that this project method – different from the usual case, accepts keywords.

project(M::MultinomialDoubleStochastic, p, Y)

Project Y onto the tangent space at p on the MultinomialDoubleStochasticM, return the result in X. The formula reads

\[ \operatorname{proj}_p(Y) = Y - (α\mathbf{1}_n^{\mathrm{T}} + \mathbf{1}_nβ^{\mathrm{T}}) ⊙ p,\]

where $⊙$ denotes the Hadamard or elementwise product and $\mathbb{1}_n$ is the vector of length $n$ containing ones. The two vectors $α,β ∈ ℝ^{n×n}$ are computed as a solution (typically using the left pseudo inverse) of

\[ \begin{pmatrix} I_n & p\\p^{\mathrm{T}} & I_n \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} α\\ β\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} Y\mathbf{1}\\Y^{\mathrm{T}}\mathbf{1}\end{pmatrix},\]

where $I_n$ is the $n×n$ unit matrix and $\mathbf{1}_n$ is the vector of length $n$ containing ones.


return the representation size of doubly stochastic matrices, which are embedded in the $ℝ^{n×n}$ matrices and hence the answer here is ``

retract(M::MultinomialDoubleStochastic, p, X, ::ProjectionRetraction)

compute a projection based retraction by projecting $p\odot\exp(X⨸p)$ back onto the manifold, where $⊙,⨸$ are elementwise multiplication and division, respectively. Similarly, $\exp$ refers to the elementwise exponentiation.



A. Douik and B. Hassibi. Manifold Optimization Over the Set of Doubly Stochastic Matrices: A Second-Order Geometry. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67, 5761–5774 (2019), arXiv:1802.02628.