A comparison of the Difference of Convex and Frank Wolfe Algorithm

Ronny Bergmann 2023-11-06


In this example we compare the Difference of Convex Algprithm (DCA) [BFSS23] with the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm, which was introduced in [WS22]. This example reproduces the results from [BFSS23], Section 7.3.

using LinearAlgebra, Random, Statistics, BenchmarkTools
using ManifoldsBase, Manifolds, Manopt, ManoptExamples
using NamedColors, Plots

and we load a few nice colors

paul_tol = load_paul_tol()
indigo = paul_tol["mutedindigo"]
teal = paul_tol["mutedteal"]

We consider the collowing constraint maximimization problem of the Fréchet mean on the symmetric positive definite matrices $\mathcal P(n)$ with the affine invariant metric. Let $q_1,\ldots,q_m \in \mathcal P(n)$ be a set of points and $\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_m$ be a set of weights, such that they sum to one. We consider then

\[\operatorname*{arg\,max}_{p\in\mathcal C}\ \ h(p)\]


\[h(p) = \sum_{j=1}^m \mu_j d^2(p,q_i), \quad \text{ where } d^2(p,q_i) = \operatorname{tr}\bigl( \log^2(p^{-\frac{1}{2}}q_jp^{-\frac{1}{2}}) \big) \qquad\text{and}\qquad \mathcal C = \{ p\in {\mathcal M}\ |\ \bar L\preceq p \preceq \bar U \},\]

for a lower bound $L$ and an upper bound $U$ for the matrices in the positive definite sense $A \preceq B \Leftrightarrow (B-A)$ is positive semi-definite

When every one of the weights ${\mu}_1, \ldots {\mu}_m$ are equal, this function $h$ is known as the of the set $\{q_1, \dots, q_m\}$.

And for our example we set

n = 20
m = 100
M = SymmetricPositiveDefinite(n)
q = [rand(M) for _ in 1:m];
w = rand(m)
w ./=sum(w)

We use as lower and upper bound the arithmetic and geometric mean $L$ and $U$, respectively.

L = inv( sum( wi * inv(qi) for (wi, qi) in zip(w,q) ) )
U = sum( wi * qi for (wi, qi) in zip(w,q) )

As a starting point, the Frank-Wolfe algorithm requires a feasible point. We use

p0 = (L+U)/2

And we can check that it is feasible

Common Functions

Given $p \in \mathcal M$, $X \in T_p\mathcal M$ on the symmetric positive definite matrices M, this method computes the closed form solution to

\[\operatorname*{arg\,min}_{q\in {\mathcal C}}\ \langle X, \log_p q\rangle = \operatorname*{arg\,min}_{q\in {\mathcal C}}\ \operatorname{tr}(S\log(YqY))\]

where $\mathcal C = \{ q | L \preceq q \preceq U \}$, $S = p^{-1/2}Xp^{-1/2}$, and $Y=p^{-1/2}$.

The solution is given by $Z=X^{-1}Q\bigl( P^{\mathrm{T}}[-\operatorname{sgn}(D)]_{+}P+\hat{L}\bigr)Q^{\mathrm{T}}X^{-1}$,@ where $S=QDQ^{\mathrm{T}}$ is a diagonalization of $S$, $\hat{U}-\hat{L}=P^{\mathrm{T}}P$ with $\hat{L}=Q^{\mathrm{T}}XLXQ$ and $\hat{U}=Q^{\mathrm{T}}XUXQ$, where $[-\mbox{sgn}(D)]_{+}$ is the diagonal matrix

\[\operatorname{diag}\bigl( [-\operatorname{sgn}(d_{11})]_{+}, \ldots, [-\operatorname{sgn}(d_{nn})]_{+} \bigr)\]

and $D=(d_{ij})$.

@doc raw"""
    closed_form_solution!(M, q, L, U, p X)

Compute the closeed form solution of the constraint sub problem in place of ``q``.
function closed_form_solution!(M::SymmetricPositiveDefinite, q, L, U, p, X)
    # extract p^1/2 and p^{-1/2}
    (p_sqrt_inv, p_sqrt) = Manifolds.spd_sqrt_and_sqrt_inv(p)
    # Compute D & Q
    e2 = eigen(p_sqrt_inv * X * p_sqrt_inv) # decompose Sk  = QDQ'
    D = Diagonal(1.0 .* (e2.values .< 0))
    Q = e2.vectors
    Uprime = Q' * p_sqrt_inv * U * p_sqrt_inv * Q
    Lprime = Q' * p_sqrt_inv * L * p_sqrt_inv * Q
    P = cholesky(Hermitian(Uprime - Lprime))
    z = P.U' * D * P.U + Lprime
    copyto!(M, q, p_sqrt * Q * z * Q' * p_sqrt)
    return q

The Difference of Convex Formulation

We use $g(p) = \iota_{\mathcal C}(p)$ as the indicator funtion of the set $\mathcal C$. We use

function is_pos_def(p; atol=5e-13)
    e = eigen(Symmetric(p))
    return all((e.values .+ atol) .> 0)
function g(p, L, U)
    return (is_pos_def(p-L) && is_pos_def(U-p)) ? 0.0 : Inf
h(M, p, w, q) = sum(wi * distance(M, p, qi)^2 for (wi, qi) in zip(w,q) )

So we can first check that p0 is feasible

g(p0,L,U) == 0.0

Now setting

\[\operatorname*{arg\,min}_{p\in\mathcal M}\ g(p) - h(p)\]

We look for a maximum of $h$, where $g$ is minimal, i.e. $g(p)$ is zero or in other words $p \in \mathcal C$.

The gradient of $h$ can also be implemented in closed form as

grad_h(M, p, w, q) = -2.0 * sum(wi * log(M, p, qi) for (wi, qi) in zip(w, q))
function grad_h!(M, X, p, w, q)
    Y = copy(M, p, X)
    zero_vector!(M, X, p)
    for (wi, qi) in zip(w,q)
        log!(M, Y, p, qi)
        Y .*= - 2.0*wi
        X .+= Y
    return X

And we can further define the cost, which will just be $+\infty$ outside of $\mathcal C$. We define

f_dc(M, p) = g(p, L, U) - h(M, p, w, q)
grad_h!(M, X, p) = grad_h!(M, X, p, w, q)
function grad_f_dc!(M,X, p)
    grad_h!(M, X, p, w, q)
    X .*= -1.0
    return X

Here we can omit the gradient of $g$ in the definition of $\operatorname{grad} f$, since the gradient is zero at the points there it is defined, that is on any point that is not on the boundary of $\mathcal C$.

As the last step, we can provide the closed form solver for the DC sub problem given at iteration $k$ by

\[\operatorname*{arg\,min}_{p\in \mathcal C}\ \big\langle -\operatorname{grad} h(p^{(k)}), \exp^{-1}_{p^{(k)}}p\big\rangle.\]

Which we con compute

function dc_sub_solution!(M, q, p, X)
    closed_form_solution!(M, q, L, U, p, -X)
    return q

For safety, we might want to avoid ending up at the boundary of $\mathcal C$. That is we reduce the distance we walk towards the solution $q$ a bit.

function dc_sub_solution_safe!(M, q, p, X)
    p_last = copy(M,p) # since p=q might be in place
    closed_form_solution!(M, q, L, U, p, -X)
    q_orig = copy(M,q) # since we do the following in place of q
    a = minimum(real.(eigen(q-L).values))
    b = minimum(real.(eigen(U-q).values))
    s = 1.0
    d = distance(M, p_last, q_orig);
    # if we are close to zero, we reduce faster.
    α = d < 1/(n^2) ? 0.66 : 0.9995;
    while (a < 0) || (b < 0)
        s *= α
        shortest_geodesic!(M, q, p_last, q_orig, s)
        a = minimum(real.(eigen(q-L).values))
        b = minimum(real.(eigen(U-q).values))
        #println("$i a: $a, b = $b with s=$s")
        if (i>100) # safety fallback
            #@warn " $i steps where not enough $s ($α)\n$a $b\n $(distance(M, p_last, q_orig)). Fixing by shifting EVs"
            qe = eigen(q)
            if a < 0
                qe.values .+= min(1e-8, n*abs(min(a,b)))
                qe.values .-= min(1e-8, n*abs(min(a,b)))
            q .= qe.vectors * Diagonal(qe.values) * (qe.vectors)'
            a = minimum(real.(eigen(q-L).values))
            b = minimum(real.(eigen(U-q).values))
            return q
    return q

The DoC solver run

Let’s compare both methods when they have the same stopping criteria

@time state1_dc = difference_of_convex_algorithm(M, f_dc, g, grad_h!, p0;
    stopping_criterion = StopAfterIteration(300) |
        StopWhenChangeLess(1e-14) | StopWhenGradientChangeLess(M, 1e-9),
    debug = [
        (:Iteration, "# %-8d "), (:Cost, "F(p): %0.14f"), (:Change, " |Δp|: %0.14f "),
        (:GradientNorm, " |grad f(p)|: %0.8f "),
        (:GradientChange, " |Δgrad f(p)|: %0.8f"),
        30, :Stop, "\n"],
    record = [:Iteration, :Iterate, :Cost, RecordGradientNorm(), :Change],
Initial F(p): -0.77661458292831
At iteration 23 the change of the gradient (3.192989916935325e-13) was less than 1.0e-9.
 17.041637 seconds (16.55 M allocations: 1.629 GiB, 3.09% gc time, 92.32% compilation time)

# Solver state for `Manopt.jl`s Difference of Convex Algorithm
After 23 iterations

## Parameters
* sub solver state:
    | InplaceEvaluation()

## Stopping criterion

Stop When _one_ of the following are fulfilled:
    Max Iteration 300:  not reached
    |Δp| < 1.0e-14: not reached
    |Δgrad f| < 1.0e-9: reached
Overall: reached
This indicates convergence: No

## Debug
    :Iteration = [(:Iteration, "# %-8d "), (:Cost, "F(p): %0.14f"), (:Change, " |Δp|: %0.14f "), (:GradientNorm, " |grad f(p)|: %0.8f "), (:GradientChange, " |Δgrad f(p)|: %0.8f"), "\n", 30]
    :Stop = :Stop

## Record
(Iteration = RecordGroup([RecordIteration(), RecordIterate(Matrix{Float64}), RecordCost(), RecordGradientNorm(), RecordChange(; inverse_retraction_method=LogarithmicInverseRetraction())]),)

Let’s extract the final point and look at its cost

p1_dc = get_solver_result(state1_dc);
f_dc(M, p1_dc)

As well as whether (and how well) it is feasible, that is the following values should all be larger than zero.

[ extrema(eigen(p1_dc-L).values), extrema(eigen(U-p1_dc).values)]
2-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
 (1.1886583723800445e-12, 0.06669240322431051)
 (1.3411042178831775e-5, 0.0671353506908023)

For the statistics we extract the recordings from the state

Define the Frank-Wolfe functions

For Frank wolfe, the cost is just defined as $-h(p)$ but the minimisation is constraint to $\mathcal C$, which is enfored by the oracle.

f_fw(M, p) = -h(M, p, w, q)
function grad_f_fw!(M,X, p)
    grad_h!(M, X, p, w, q)
    X .*= -1.0
    return X
oracle_fw!(M, q, p, X) = closed_form_solution!(M, q, L, U, p, X)

The FW Solver Run

Similarly we can run the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with

@time state1_fw = Frank_Wolfe_method(M, f_fw, grad_f_fw!, p0;
    stopping_criterion = StopAfterIteration(10^4) |
        StopWhenChangeLess(1e-14) | StopWhenGradientChangeLess(M, 1e-9),
    debug = [
        (:Iteration, "# %-8d "), :Cost, (:Change, " |Δp|: %0.14f "),
        (:GradientNorm, " |grad f(p)|: %0.8f "),
        (:GradientChange, " |Δgrad f(p)|: %0.8f"),
        2*10^3, :Stop, "\n"],
    record = [:Iteration, :Iterate, :Cost, RecordGradientNorm(), :Change],
Initial f(x): -0.776615
# 2000     f(x): -0.784420 |Δp|: 0.04611942377596  |grad f(p)|: 0.17693408  |Δgrad f(p)|: 0.17555618
# 4000     f(x): -0.784421 |Δp|: 0.00372201632005  |grad f(p)|: 0.17694619  |Δgrad f(p)|: 0.00749427
# 6000     f(x): -0.784422 |Δp|: 0.00205683506784  |grad f(p)|: 0.17695204  |Δgrad f(p)|: 0.00414088
# 8000     f(x): -0.784422 |Δp|: 0.00140675676260  |grad f(p)|: 0.17695565  |Δgrad f(p)|: 0.00283200
# 10000    f(x): -0.784422 |Δp|: 0.00106177438611  |grad f(p)|: 0.17695815  |Δgrad f(p)|: 0.00213746
The algorithm reached its maximal number of iterations (10000).
155.661032 seconds (55.49 M allocations: 94.001 GiB, 2.24% gc time, 0.56% compilation time)

# Solver state for `Manopt.jl`s Frank Wolfe Method
After 10000 iterations

## Parameters
* inverse retraction method: LogarithmicInverseRetraction()
* retraction method: ExponentialRetraction()
* sub solver state:
    | InplaceEvaluation()

## Stepsize
DecreasingStepsize(; length=2.0,  factor=1.0,  subtrahend=0.0,  shift=2)

## Stopping criterion

Stop When _one_ of the following are fulfilled:
    Max Iteration 10000:    reached
    |Δp| < 1.0e-14: not reached
    |Δgrad f| < 1.0e-9: not reached
Overall: reached
This indicates convergence: No

## Debug
    :Iteration = [(:Iteration, "# %-8d "), (:Cost, "f(x): %f"), (:Change, " |Δp|: %0.14f "), (:GradientNorm, " |grad f(p)|: %0.8f "), (:GradientChange, " |Δgrad f(p)|: %0.8f"), "\n", 2000]
    :Stop = :Stop

## Record
(Iteration = RecordGroup([RecordIteration(), RecordIterate(Matrix{Float64}), RecordCost(), RecordGradientNorm(), RecordChange(; inverse_retraction_method=LogarithmicInverseRetraction())]),)

And we take a look at this result as well

p1_fw = get_solver_result(state1_fw);
f_dc(M, p1_fw)

And its feasibility

[extrema(eigen(p1_fw-L).values), extrema(eigen(U-p1_fw).values)]
2-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
 (4.904818928410655e-10, 0.06659173821656107)
 (3.245654983213335e-5, 0.06713970236096602)


We extract the recorded values

# DoC
iter1_dc = get_record(state1_dc, :Iteration, :Iteration)
pk_dc = get_record(state1_dc,:Iteration,:Iterate)
costs1_dc = -h.(Ref(M), pk_dc, Ref(w), Ref(q))
dc_min = minimum(costs1_dc)
# FW
iter1_fw = get_record(state1_fw,:Iteration,:Iteration)[1:5:end]
pk_fw = get_record(state1_fw,:Iteration,:Iterate)[1:5:end]
costs1_fw = -h.(Ref(M), pk_fw, Ref(w), Ref(q))

And let’s plot the result, where we measure the cost versus the minimum the difference of convex algorithm attains.

fig = plot(;
    xlabel=raw"Iterations $k$ (log. scale)", ylabel=raw"Cost $f(x_k)-f^*$ (log. scale)",
    ylims=(1e-8, 10^-2),
plot!(fig, iter1_dc, costs1_dc .- dc_min, color=indigo, label="Difference of Convex")
plot!(fig, iter1_fw, costs1_fw .- dc_min, color=teal, label="Frank-Wolfe")

This indicates, that the difference off convex algorithm could even stop earlier with a proper stopping criterion, since after that the cost increases a bit again.

On the other hand, Frank-Wolfe still has not reached this level function value after 10^4 iterations.


R. Bergmann, O. P. Ferreira, E. M. Santos and J. C. Souza. The difference of convex algorithm on Hadamard manifolds. Preprint (2023), arXiv:2112.05250.
M. Weber and S. Sra. Riemannian Optimization via Frank-Wolfe Methods. Mathematical Programming 199, 525–556 (2022).