Vector transport
Similar to the exponential and logarithmic map also the parallel transport might be costly to compute, especially when there is no closed form solution known and it has to be approximated with numerical methods. Similar to the retraction and its inverse, the generalisation of the parallel transport can be phrased as follows
A vector transport is a way to transport a vector between two tangent spaces. Let $p,q ∈ \mathcal M$ be given, $c$ the curve along which we want to transport (cf. parallel transport, for example a geodesic or curve given by a retraction. We can specify the geodesic or curve a retraction realises for example by a direction $d$.
More precisely using [AMS08], Def. 8.1.1, a vector transport $T_{p,d}: T_p\mathcal M \to T_q\mathcal M$, $p∈ \mathcal M$, $Y∈ T_p\mathcal M$ is a smooth mapping associated to a retraction $\operatorname{retr}_p(Y) = q$ such that
- (associated retraction) $\mathcal T_{p,d}X ∈ T_q\mathcal M$ if and only if $q = \operatorname{retr}_p(d)$,
- (consistency) $\mathcal T_{p,0_p}X = X$ for all $X∈T_p\mathcal M$,
- (linearity) $\mathcal T_{p,d}(αX+βY) = \mathcal αT_{p,d}X + \mathcal βT_{p,d}Y$ for all $α, β ∈ 𝔽$,
Currently the following methods for vector transport are defined in ManifoldsBase.jl
— Methoddefault_vector_transport_method(M::AbstractManifold)
default_vector_transport_method(M::AbstractManifold, ::Type{T}) where {T}
The AbstractVectorTransportMethod
that is used when calling vector_transport_to
or vector_transport_direction
without specifying the vector transport method. By default, this is ParallelTransport
This method can also be specified more precisely with a point type T
, for the case that on a M
there are two different representations of points, which provide different vector transport methods.
— Functionvector_transport_direction(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, d)
vector_transport_direction(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, d, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Given an AbstractManifold
$\mathcal M$ the vector transport is a generalization of the parallel_transport_direction
that identifies vectors from different tangent spaces.
More precisely using [AMS08], Def. 8.1.1, a vector transport $T_{p,d}: T_p\mathcal M \to T_q\mathcal M$, $p∈ \mathcal M$, $Y∈ T_p\mathcal M$ is a smooth mapping associated to a retraction $\operatorname{retr}_p(Y) = q$ such that
- (associated retraction) $\mathcal T_{p,d}X ∈ T_q\mathcal M$ if and only if $q = \operatorname{retr}_p(d)$.
- (consistency) $\mathcal T_{p,0_p}X = X$ for all $X∈T_p\mathcal M$
- (linearity) $\mathcal T_{p,d}(αX+βY) = α\mathcal T_{p,d}X + β\mathcal T_{p,d}Y$
For the AbstractVectorTransportMethod
we might even omit the third point. The AbstractLinearVectorTransportMethod
s are linear.
Input Parameters
a manifoldp
indicating the tangent space ofX
the tangent vector to be transportedd
indicating a transport direction (and distance through its length)m
, by defaultdefault_vector_transport_method
, so usuallyParallelTransport
Usually this method requires a AbstractRetractionMethod
as well. By default this is assumed to be the default_retraction_method
or implicitly given (and documented) for a vector transport. To explicitly distinguish different retractions for a vector transport, see VectorTransportDirection
Instead of spcifying a start direction d
one can equivalently also specify a target tanget space $T_q\mathcal M$, see vector_transport_to
. By default vector_transport_direction
falls back to using vector_transport_to
, using the default_retraction_method
on M
— Functionvector_transport_direction!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, d)
vector_transport_direction!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, d, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Transport a vector X
from the tangent space at a point p
on the AbstractManifold
in the direction indicated by the tangent vector d
at p
. By default, retract
and vector_transport_to!
are used with the m
and r
, which default to default_vector_transport_method
and default_retraction_method
, respectively. The result is saved to Y
See vector_transport_direction
for more details.
— Functionvector_transport_to(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, q)
vector_transport_to(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, q, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
vector_transport_to(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, q, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Transport a vector X
from the tangent space at a point p
on the AbstractManifold
along a curve implicitly given by an AbstractRetractionMethod
associated to m
. By default m
is the default_vector_transport_method
. To explicitly specify a (different) retraction to the implicitly assumeed retraction, see VectorTransportTo
. Note that some vector transport methods might also carry their own retraction they are associated to, like the DifferentiatedRetractionVectorTransport
and some are even independent of the retraction, for example the ProjectionTransport
This method is equivalent to using $d = \operatorname{retr}^{-1}_p(q)$ in vector_transport_direction
(M, p, X, q, m, r)
, where you can find the formal definition. This is the fallback for VectorTransportTo
— Functionvector_transport_to!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, q)
vector_transport_to!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, q, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Transport a vector X
from the tangent space at a point p
on the AbstractManifold
to q
using the AbstractVectorTransportMethod
and the AbstractRetractionMethod
The result is computed in Y
. See vector_transport_to
for more details.
Types of vector transports
To distinguish different types of vector transport we introduce the AbstractVectorTransportMethod
. The following concrete types are available.
— TypeAbstractLinearVectorTransportMethod <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Abstract type for linear methods for transporting vectors, that is transport of a linear combination of vectors is a linear combination of transported vectors.
— TypeAbstractVectorTransportMethod <: AbstractApproximationMethod
Abstract type for methods for transporting vectors. Such vector transports are not necessarily linear.
See also
— TypeDifferentiatedRetractionVectorTransport{R<:AbstractRetractionMethod} <:
A type to specify a vector transport that is given by differentiating a retraction. This can be introduced in two ways. Let $\mathcal M$ be a Riemannian manifold, $p∈\mathcal M$ a point, and $X,Y∈ T_p\mathcal M$ denote two tangent vectors at $p$.
Given a retraction (cf. AbstractRetractionMethod
) $\operatorname{retr}$, the vector transport of X
in direction Y
(cf. vector_transport_direction
) by differentiation this retraction, is given by
\[\mathcal T^{\operatorname{retr}}_{p,Y}X = D_Y\operatorname{retr}_p(Y)[X] = \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\operatorname{retr}_p(Y+tX)\Bigr|_{t=0}.\]
see [AMS08], Section 8.1.2 for more details.
This can be phrased similarly as a vector_transport_to
by introducing $q=\operatorname{retr}_pX$ and defining
\[\mathcal T^{\operatorname{retr}}_{q \gets p}X = \mathcal T^{\operatorname{retr}}_{p,Y}X\]
which in practice usually requires the inverse_retract
to exists in order to compute $Y = \operatorname{retr}_p^{-1}q$.
— TypeEmbeddedVectorTransport{T<:AbstractVectorTransportMethod} <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Compute a vector transport by using the vector transport of type T
in the embedding and projecting the result.
Generate the vector transport with vector transport vt
to use in the embedding.
— TypeParallelTransport <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Compute the vector transport by parallel transport, see parallel_transport_to
— TypePoleLadderTransport <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Specify to use pole_ladder
as vector transport method within vector_transport_to
or vector_transport_direction
, i.e.
Let $X∈ T_p\mathcal M$ be a tangent vector at $p∈\mathcal M$ and $q∈\mathcal M$ the point to transport to. Then $x = \exp_pX$ is used to call y =
(M, p, x, q)
and the resulting vector is obtained by computing $Y = -\log_qy$.
The PoleLadderTransport
posesses two advantages compared to SchildsLadderTransport
- it is cheaper to evaluate, if you want to transport several vectors, since the mid point $c$ then stays unchanged.
- while both methods are exact if the curvature is zero, pole ladder is even exact in symmetric Riemannian manifolds [Pen18]
The pole ladder was was proposed in [LP13]. Its name stems from the fact that it resembles a pole ladder when applied to a sequence of points usccessively.
retraction = ExponentialRetraction(),
inverse_retraction = LogarithmicInverseRetraction(),
Construct the classical pole ladder that employs exp and log, i.e. as proposed in[LP13]. For an even cheaper transport the inner operations can be changed to an AbstractRetractionMethod
and an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
, respectively.
— TypeProjectionTransport <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Specify to use projection onto tangent space as vector transport method within vector_transport_to
or vector_transport_direction
. See project
for details.
— TypeScaledVectorTransport{T} <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Introduce a scaled variant of any AbstractVectorTransportMethod
, as introduced in [SI13] for some $X∈ T_p\mathcal M$ as
\[ \mathcal T^{\mathrm{S}}(X) = \frac{\lVert X\rVert_p}{\lVert \mathcal T(X)\rVert_q}\mathcal T(X).\]
Note that the resulting point q
has to be known, i.e. for vector_transport_direction
the curve or more precisely its end point has to be known (via an exponential map or a retraction). Therefore a default implementation is only provided for the vector_transport_to
— TypeSchildsLadderTransport <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Specify to use schilds_ladder
as vector transport method within vector_transport_to
or vector_transport_direction
, i.e.
Let $X∈ T_p\mathcal M$ be a tangent vector at $p∈\mathcal M$ and $q∈\mathcal M$ the point to transport to. Then
\[P^{\mathrm{S}}_{q\gets p}(X) = \log_q\bigl( \operatorname{retr}_p ( 2\operatorname{retr}_p^{-1}c ) \bigr),\]
where $c$ is the mid point between $q$ and $d=\exp_pX$.
This method employs the internal function schilds_ladder
(M, p, d, q)
that avoids leaving the manifold.
The name stems from the image of this paralleltogram in a repeated application yielding the image of a ladder. The approximation was proposed in [EPS72].
retraction = ExponentialRetraction(),
inverse_retraction = LogarithmicInverseRetraction(),
Construct the classical Schilds ladder that employs exp and log, i.e. as proposed in [EPS72]. For an even cheaper transport these inner operations can be changed to an AbstractRetractionMethod
and an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
, respectively.
— TypeVectorTransportDirection{VM<:AbstractVectorTransportMethod,RM<:AbstractRetractionMethod}
<: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Specify a vector_transport_direction
using a AbstractVectorTransportMethod
with explicitly using the AbstractRetractionMethod
to determine the point in the specified direction where to transsport to. Note that you only need this for the non-default (non-implicit) second retraction method associated to a vector transport, i.e. when a first implementation assumed an implicit associated retraction.
— TypeVectorTransportTo{VM<:AbstractVectorTransportMethod,RM<:AbstractRetractionMethod}
<: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Specify a vector_transport_to
using a AbstractVectorTransportMethod
with explicitly using the AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
to determine the direction that transports from in p
to q
. Note that you only need this for the non-default (non-implicit) second retraction method associated to a vector transport, i.e. when a first implementation assumed an implicit associated retraction.
— TypeVectorTransportWithKeywords{V<:AbstractVectorTransportMethod, K} <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod
Since vector transports might have keywords, this type is a way to set them as an own type to be used as a specific vector transport. Another reason for this type is that we dispatch on the vector transport first and only the last layer would be implemented with keywords, so this way they can be passed down.
the vector transport that is decorated with keywordskwargs
the keyword arguments
Note that you can nest this type. Then the most outer specification of a keyword is used.
VectorTransportWithKeywords(m::T; kwargs...) where {T <: AbstractVectorTransportMethod}
Specify the subtype T <:
to have keywords kwargs...
Functions to implement (on Layer III)
While you should always add your documentation to the first layer vector transport methods above when implementing new manifolds, the actual implementation happens on the following functions on layer III.
— Functionpole_ladder(
c = mid_point(M, p, q);
retraction=default_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
inverse_retraction=default_inverse_retraction_method(M, typeof(p))
Compute an inner step of the pole ladder, that can be used as a vector_transport_to
. Let $c = \gamma_{p,q}(\frac{1}{2})$ mid point between p
and q
, then the pole ladder is given by
\[ \operatorname{Pl}(p,d,q) = \operatorname{retr}_d (2\operatorname{retr}_d^{-1}c)\]
Where the classical pole ladder employs $\operatorname{retr}_d=\exp_d$ and $\operatorname{retr}_d^{-1}=\log_d$ but for an even cheaper transport these can be set to different AbstractRetractionMethod
and AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
When you have $X=log_pd$ and $Y = -\log_q \operatorname{Pl}(p,d,q)$, you will obtain the PoleLadderTransport
. When performing multiple steps, this method avoids the switching to the tangent space. Keep in mind that after $n$ successive steps the tangent vector reads $Y_n = (-1)^n\log_q \operatorname{Pl}(p_{n-1},d_{n-1},p_n)$.
It is cheaper to evaluate than schilds_ladder
, sinc if you want to form multiple ladder steps between p
and q
, but with different d
, there is just one evaluation of a geodesic each., since the center c
can be reused.
— Functionpole_ladder(
c = mid_point(M, p, q),
X = allocate_result_type(M, log, d, c);
retraction = default_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
inverse_retraction = default_inverse_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
Compute the pole_ladder
, i.e. the result is saved in pl
. X
is used for storing intermediate inverse retraction.
— Functionschilds_ladder(
c = mid_point(M, q, d);
retraction = default_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
inverse_retraction = default_inverse_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
Perform an inner step of schilds ladder, which can be used as a vector_transport_to
, see SchildsLadderTransport
. Let $c = \gamma_{q,d}(\frac{1}{2})$ denote the mid point on the shortest geodesic connecting $q$ and the point $d$. Then Schild's ladder reads as
\[\operatorname{Sl}(p,d,q) = \operatorname{retr}_p( 2\operatorname{retr}_p^{-1} c)\]
Where the classical Schilds ladder employs $\operatorname{retr}_d=\exp_d$ and $\operatorname{retr}_d^{-1}=\log_d$ but for an even cheaper transport these can be set to different AbstractRetractionMethod
and AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
In consistency with pole_ladder
you can change the way the mid point is computed using the optional parameter c
, but note that here it's the mid point between q
and d
When you have $X=log_pd$ and $Y = \log_q \operatorname{Sl}(p,d,q)$, you will obtain the PoleLadderTransport
. Then the approximation to the transported vector is given by $\log_q\operatorname{Sl}(p,d,q)$.
When performing multiple steps, this method avoidsd the switching to the tangent space. Hence after $n$ successive steps the tangent vector reads $Y_n = \log_q \operatorname{Pl}(p_{n-1},d_{n-1},p_n)$.
— Functionschilds_ladder!(
c = mid_point(M, q, d),
X = allocate_result_type(M, log, d, c);
retraction = default_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
inverse_retraction = default_inverse_retraction_method(M, typeof(p)),
Compute schilds_ladder
and return the value in the parameter sl
. If the required mid point c
was computed before, it can be passed using c
, and the allocation of new memory can be avoided providing a tangent vector X
for the interims result.
— Methodvector_transport_direction_diff!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, d, m::AbstractRetractionMethod)
Compute the vector transport of X
from $T_p\mathcal M$ into the direction d
using the differential of the AbstractRetractionMethod
in place of Y
— Methodvector_transport_direction_embedded!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, d, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Compute the vector transport of X
from $T_p\mathcal M$ into the direction d
using the AbstractRetractionMethod
in the embedding.
The default implementataion requires one allocation for the points and tangent vectors in the embedding and the resulting point, but the final projection is performed in place of Y
— Methodvector_transport_to_diff(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, q, r)
Compute a vector transport by using a DifferentiatedRetractionVectorTransport
in place of Y
— Methodvector_transport_to_embedded!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, q, m::AbstractRetractionMethod)
Compute the vector transport of X
from $T_p\mathcal M$ to the point q
using the of the AbstractRetractionMethod
in th embedding.
The default implementataion requires one allocation for the points and tangent vectors in the embedding and the resulting point, but the final projection is performed in place of Y
— Methodvector_transport_to_project!(M::AbstractManifold, Y, p, X, q)
Compute a vector transport by projecting $X\in T_p\mathcal M$ onto the tangent space $T_q\mathcal M$ at $q$ in place of Y