Meta Manifolds
While the interface does not provide concrete manifolds itself, it does provide several manifolds that can be build based on a given AbstractManifold
(Abstract) power manifold
A power manifold is constructed like higher dimensional vector spaces are formed from the real line, just that for every point $p = (p_1,\ldots,p_n) ∈ \mathcal M^n$ on the power manifold $\mathcal M^n$ the entries of $p$ are points $p_1,\ldots,p_n ∈ \mathcal M$ on some manifold $\mathcal M$. Note that $n$ can also be replaced by multiple values, such that $p$ is not a vector but a matrix or a multi-index array of points.
— TypeAbstractPowerManifold{𝔽,M,TPR} <: AbstractManifold{𝔽}
An abstract AbstractManifold
to represent manifolds that are build as powers of another AbstractManifold
with representation type TPR
, a subtype of AbstractPowerRepresentation
— TypeAbstractPowerRepresentation
An abstract representation type of points and tangent vectors on a power manifold.
— TypeNestedPowerRepresentation
Representation of points and tangent vectors on a power manifold using arrays of size equal to TSize
of a PowerManifold
. Each element of such array stores a single point or tangent vector.
For modifying operations, each element of the outer array is modified in-place, differently than in NestedReplacingPowerRepresentation
— TypeNestedReplacingPowerRepresentation
Representation of points and tangent vectors on a power manifold using arrays of size equal to TSize
of a PowerManifold
. Each element of such array stores a single point or tangent vector.
For modifying operations, each element of the outer array is replaced using non-modifying operations, differently than for NestedReplacingPowerRepresentation
— TypePowerBasisData{TB<:AbstractArray}
Data storage for an array of basis data.
— TypePowerManifold{𝔽,TM<:AbstractManifold,TSize,TPR<:AbstractPowerRepresentation} <: AbstractPowerManifold{𝔽,TM}
The power manifold $\mathcal M^{n_1× n_2 × … × n_d}$ with power geometry. TSize
defines the number of elements along each axis, either statically using TypeParameter
or storing it in a field.
For example, a manifold-valued time series would be represented by a power manifold with $d$ equal to 1 and $n_1$ equal to the number of samples. A manifold-valued image (for example in diffusion tensor imaging) would be represented by a two-axis power manifold ($d=2$) with $n_1$ and $n_2$ equal to width and height of the image.
While the size of the manifold is static, points on the power manifold would not be represented by statically-sized arrays.
PowerManifold(M::PowerManifold, N_1, N_2, ..., N_d; parameter::Symbol=:field)
PowerManifold(M::AbstractManifold, NestedPowerRepresentation(), N_1, N_2, ..., N_d; parameter::Symbol=:field)
M^(N_1, N_2, ..., N_d)
Generate the power manifold $M^{N_1 × N_2 × … × N_d}$. By default, a PowerManifold
is expanded further, i.e. for M=PowerManifold(N, 3)
PowerManifold(M, 2)
is equivalent to PowerManifold(N, 3, 2)
. Points are then 3×2 matrices of points on N
. Providing a NestedPowerRepresentation
as the second argument to the constructor can be used to nest manifold, i.e. PowerManifold(M, NestedPowerRepresentation(), 2)
represents vectors of length 2 whose elements are vectors of length 3 of points on N in a nested array representation.
The third signature M^(...)
is equivalent to the first one, and hence either yields a combination of power manifolds to one larger power manifold, or a power manifold with the default representation.
Since there is no default AbstractPowerRepresentation
within this interface, the ^
operator is only available for PowerManifold
s and concatenates dimensions.
: whether a type parameter should be used to store n
. By default size is stored in a field. Value can either be :field
or :type
— Methodcopyto!(M::PowerManifoldNested, Y, p, X)
Copy the values elementwise, i.e. call copyto!(M.manifold, B, a, A)
for all elements A
, a
and B
of X
, p
, and Y
, respectively.
— Methodcopyto!(M::PowerManifoldNested, q, p)
Copy the values elementwise, i.e. call copyto!(M.manifold, b, a)
for all elements a
and b
of p
and q
, respectively.
— Methodexp(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X)
Compute the exponential map from p
in direction X
on the AbstractPowerManifold
, which can be computed using the base manifolds exponential map element-wise.
— Methodfill!(P, p, M::AbstractPowerManifold)
Fill a point P
on the AbstractPowerManifold
, setting every entry to p
while usually the manifold is the first argument in all functions in ManifoldsBase.jl
, we follow the signature of fill!
, where the power manifold serves are the size information.
— Methodfill(p, M::AbstractPowerManifold)
Create a point on the AbstractPowerManifold
, where every entry is set to the point p
while usually the manifold is a first argument in all functions in ManifoldsBase.jl
, we follow the signature of fill
, where the power manifold serves are the size information.
— Methodgetindex(p, M::AbstractPowerManifold, i::Union{Integer,Colon,AbstractVector}...)
p[M::AbstractPowerManifold, i...]
Access the element(s) at index [i...]
of a point p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
by linear or multidimensional indexing. See also Array Indexing in Julia.
— Methodgetindex(M::TangentSpace{𝔽, AbstractPowerManifold}, i...)
Access the i
th manifold component from an AbstractPowerManifold
s' tangent space TpM
— Methodlog(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q)
Compute the logarithmic map from p
to q
on the AbstractPowerManifold
, which can be computed using the base manifolds logarithmic map elementwise.
— Methodsetindex!(q, p, M::AbstractPowerManifold, i::Union{Integer,Colon,AbstractVector}...)
q[M::AbstractPowerManifold, i...] = p
Set the element(s) at index [i...]
of a point q
on an AbstractPowerManifold
by linear or multidimensional indexing to q
. See also Array Indexing in Julia.
— Methodview(p, M::PowerManifoldNested, i::Union{Integer,Colon,AbstractVector}...)
Get the view of the element(s) at index [i...]
of a point p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
by linear or multidimensional indexing.
— Functionnorm(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, r::Real=2)
Compute the norm of X
from the tangent space of p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
, i.e. from the element wise norms r
-norm is computed, where the default r=2
yields the Frobenius norm is computed.
— MethodY = Weingarten(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, V)
Weingarten!(M::AbstractPowerManifold, Y, p, X, V)
Since the metric decouples, also the computation of the Weingarten map $\mathcal W_p$ can be computed elementwise on the single elements of the PowerManifold
— Method_allocate_access_nested(M::PowerManifoldNested, y, i)
Helper function for allocate_result
on PowerManifoldNested
. In allocation y
can be a number in which case _access_nested
wouldn't work.
— Method_parameter_symbol(M::PowerManifold)
Return :field
if size of PowerManifold
is stored in a field and :type
if in a TypeParameter
— Methodchange_metric(M::AbstractPowerManifold, ::AbstractMetric, p, X)
Since the metric on a power manifold decouples, the change of metric can be done elementwise.
— Methodchange_representer(M::AbstractPowerManifold, ::AbstractMetric, p, X)
Since the metric on a power manifold decouples, the change of a representer can be done elementwise
— Methodcheck_point(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p; kwargs...)
Check whether p
is a valid point on an AbstractPowerManifold
, i.e. each element of p
has to be a valid point on the base manifold. If p
is not a point on M
a CompositeManifoldError
consisting of all error messages of the components, for which the tests fail is returned.
The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
— Methodcheck_power_size(M, p)
check_power_size(M, p, X)
Check whether p
has the right size to represent points on
M`` generically, i.e. just checking the overall sizes, not the individual ones per manifold.
— Methodcheck_vector(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X; kwargs... )
Check whether X
is a tangent vector to p
an the AbstractPowerManifold
, i.e. atfer check_point
(M, p)
, and all projections to base manifolds must be respective tangent vectors. If X
is not a tangent vector to p
on M
a CompositeManifoldError
consisting of all error messages of the components, for which the tests fail is returned.
The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
— Methoddefault_inverse_retraction_method(M::PowerManifold)
Use the default inverse retraction method of the internal M.manifold
also in defaults of functions defined for the power manifold, meaning that this is used elementwise.
— Methoddefault_retraction_method(M::PowerManifold)
Use the default retraction method of the internal M.manifold
also in defaults of functions defined for the power manifold, meaning that this is used elementwise.
— Methoddefault_vector_transport_method(M::PowerManifold)
Use the default vector transport method of the internal M.manifold
also in defaults of functions defined for the power manifold, meaning that this is used elementwise.
— Functiondistance(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q, r::Real=2)
distance(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod=LogarithmicInverseRetraction(), r::Real=2)
Compute the distance between q
and p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
First, the componentwise distances are computed using the Riemannian distance function on M.manifold
. These can be approximated using the norm
of an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
. This yields an array of distance values.
Second, we compute the r
-norm on this array of distances. This is also the only place, there the r
is used.
— Methoddistance(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q, r::Real=2)
distance(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod=LogarithmicInverseRetraction(), r::Real=2)
Compute the distance between q
and p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
First, the componentwise distances are computed using the Riemannian distance function on M.manifold
. These can be approximated using the norm
of an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
. This yields an array of distance values.
Second, we compute the r
-norm on this array of distances. This is also the only place, there the r
is used.
— Methodget_component(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, idx...)
Get the component of a point p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
at index idx
— Methodhas_components(::AbstractPowerManifold)
Return true
, since points on an AbstractPowerManifold
consist of components.
— Methodinjectivity_radius(M::AbstractPowerManifold[, p])
the injectivity radius on an AbstractPowerManifold
is for the global case equal to the one of its base manifold. For a given point p
it's equal to the minimum of all radii in the array entries.
— Methodinner(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, Y)
Compute the inner product of X
and Y
from the tangent space at p
on an AbstractPowerManifold
, i.e. for each arrays entry the tangent vector entries from X
and Y
are in the tangent space of the corresponding element from p
. The inner product is then the sum of the elementwise inner products.
— Methodinverse_retract(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod)
Compute the inverse retraction from p
with respect to q
on an AbstractPowerManifold
using an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
. Then this method is performed elementwise, so the inverse retraction method has to be one that is available on the base AbstractManifold
— Methodis_flat(M::AbstractPowerManifold)
Return true if AbstractPowerManifold
is flat. It is flat if and only if the wrapped manifold is flat.
— Methodmanifold_dimension(M::PowerManifold)
Returns the manifold-dimension of an PowerManifold
$=\mathcal N = (\mathcal M)^{n_1,…,n_d}$, i.e. with $n=(n_1,…,n_d)$ the array size of the power manifold and $d_{\mathcal M}$ the dimension of the base manifold $\mathcal M$, the manifold is of dimension
\[\dim(\mathcal N) = \dim(\mathcal M)\prod_{i=1}^d n_i = n_1n_2⋅…⋅ n_d \dim(\mathcal M).\]
— Methodpower_dimensions(M::PowerManifold)
return the power of M
— Methodproject(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X)
Project the point X
onto the tangent space at p
on the AbstractPowerManifold
by projecting all components.
— Methodproject(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p)
Project the point p
from the embedding onto the AbstractPowerManifold
by projecting all components.
— Methodretract(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, method::AbstractRetractionMethod)
Compute the retraction from p
with tangent vector X
on an AbstractPowerManifold
using a AbstractRetractionMethod
. Then this method is performed elementwise, so the retraction method has to be one that is available on the base AbstractManifold
— Methodriemann_tensor(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, Y, Z)
Compute the Riemann tensor at point from p
with tangent vectors X
, Y
and Z
on the AbstractPowerManifold
— Methodsectional_curvature(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, Y)
Compute the sectional curvature of a power manifold manifold $\mathcal M$ at a point $p \in \mathcal M$ on two linearly independent tangent vectors at $p$. It may be 0 for if projections of X
and Y
on subspaces corresponding to component manifolds are not linearly independent.
— Methodsectional_curvature_max(M::AbstractPowerManifold)
Upper bound on sectional curvature of AbstractPowerManifold
. It is the maximum of sectional curvature of the wrapped manifold and 0 in case there are two or more component manifolds, as the sectional curvature corresponding to the plane spanned by vectors (X_1, 0, ... 0)
and (0, X_2, 0, ..., 0)
is 0.
— Methodsectional_curvature_min(M::AbstractPowerManifold)
Lower bound on sectional curvature of AbstractPowerManifold
. It is the minimum of sectional curvature of the wrapped manifold and 0 in case there are two or more component manifolds, as the sectional curvature corresponding to the plane spanned by vectors (X_1, 0, ... 0)
and (0, X_2, 0, ..., 0)
is 0.
— Methodset_component!(M::AbstractPowerManifold, q, p, idx...)
Set the component of a point q
on an AbstractPowerManifold
at index idx
to p
, which itself is a point on the AbstractManifold
the power manifold is build on.
— Methodvector_transport_to(M::AbstractPowerManifold, p, X, q, method::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Compute the vector transport the tangent vector X
at p
to q
on the PowerManifold
using an AbstractVectorTransportMethod
. This method is performed elementwise, i.e. the method m
has to be implemented on the base manifold.
Product Manifold
— TypeInverseProductRetraction(retractions::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod...)
Product inverse retraction of inverse retractions
. Works on ProductManifold
— TypeProductBasisData
A typed tuple to store tuples of data of stored/precomputed bases for a ProductManifold
— TypeProductManifold{𝔽,TM<:Tuple} <: AbstractManifold{𝔽}
Product manifold $M_1 × M_2 × … × M_n$ with product geometry.
ProductManifold(M_1, M_2, ..., M_n)
generates the product manifold $M_1 × M_2 × … × M_n$. Alternatively, the same manifold can be contructed using the ×
operator: M_1 × M_2 × M_3
— TypeProductMetric <: AbstractMetric
A type to represent the product of metrics for a ProductManifold
— TypeProductRetraction(retractions::AbstractRetractionMethod...)
Product retraction of retractions
. Works on ProductManifold
— TypeProductVectorTransport(methods::AbstractVectorTransportMethod...)
Product vector transport type of methods
. Works on ProductManifold
— Methodexp(M::ProductManifold, p, X)
compute the exponential map from p
in the direction of X
on the ProductManifold
, which is the elementwise exponential map on the internal manifolds that build M
— Methodgetindex(M::ProductManifold, i)
access the i
th manifold component from the ProductManifold
— Methodgetindex(M::TangentSpace{𝔽,<:ProductManifold}, i::Integer)
Access the i
th manifold component from a ProductManifold
s' tangent space TpM
— Methodlog(M::ProductManifold, p, q)
Compute the logarithmic map from p
to q
on the ProductManifold
, which can be computed using the logarithmic maps of the manifolds elementwise.
— Method×(m, n)
cross(m, n)
cross(m1, m2, m3,...)
Return the InverseProductRetraction
For two or more AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
s, where for the case that one of them is a InverseProductRetraction
itself, the other is either prepended (if r
is a product) or appenden (if s
) is. If both InverseProductRetraction
s, they are combined into one keeping the order.
— Method×(M, N)
cross(M, N)
cross(M1, M2, M3,...)
Return the ProductManifold
For two AbstractManifold
s M
and N
, where for the case that one of them is a ProductManifold
itself, the other is either prepended (if N
is a product) or appenden (if M
) is. If both are product manifold, they are combined into one product manifold, keeping the order.
For the case that more than one is a product manifold of these is build with the same approach as above
— Method×(m, n)
cross(m, n)
cross(m1, m2, m3,...)
Return the ProductRetraction
For two or more AbstractRetractionMethod
s, where for the case that one of them is a ProductRetraction
itself, the other is either prepended (if m
is a product) or appenden (if n
) is. If both ProductRetraction
s, they are combined into one keeping the order.
— Method×(m, n)
cross(m, n)
cross(m1, m2, m3,...)
Return the ProductVectorTransport
For two or more AbstractVectorTransportMethod
s, where for the case that one of them is a ProductVectorTransport
itself, the other is either prepended (if r
is a product) or appenden (if s
) is. If both ProductVectorTransport
s, they are combined into one keeping the order.
— Functionnorm(M::ProductManifold, p, X, r::Real=2)
Compute the (r
-)norm of X
from the tangent space of p
on the ProductManifold
, i.e. from the element wise norms the 2-norm is computed.
— MethodY = Weingarten(M::ProductManifold, p, X, V)
Weingarten!(M::ProductManifold, Y, p, X, V)
Since the metric decouples, also the computation of the Weingarten map $\mathcal W_p$ can be computed elementwise on the single elements of the ProductManifold
— Methodchange_metric(M::ProductManifold, ::AbstractMetric, p, X)
Since the metric on a product manifold decouples, the change of metric can be done elementwise.
— Methodchange_representer(M::ProductManifold, ::AbstractMetric, p, X)
Since the metric on a product manifold decouples, the change of a representer can be done elementwise
— Methodcheck_point(M::ProductManifold, p; kwargs...)
Check whether p
is a valid point on the ProductManifold
. If p
is not a point on M
a CompositeManifoldError
.consisting of all error messages of the components, for which the tests fail is returned.
The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
— Methodcheck_size(M::ProductManifold, p; kwargs...)
Check whether p
is of valid size on the ProductManifold
. If p
has components of wrong size a CompositeManifoldError
.consisting of all error messages of the components, for which the tests fail is returned.
The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
— Methodcheck_vector(M::ProductManifold, p, X; kwargs... )
Check whether X
is a tangent vector to p
on the ProductManifold
, i.e. all projections to base manifolds must be respective tangent vectors. If X
is not a tangent vector to p
on M
a CompositeManifoldError
.consisting of all error messages of the components, for which the tests fail is returned.
The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
— Functiondistance(M::ProductManifold, p, q, r::Real=2)
distance(M::ProductManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod=LogarithmicInverseRetraction(), r::Real=2)
Compute the distance between q
and p
on an ProductManifold
First, the componentwise distances are computed. These can be approximated using the norm
of an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
. Then, the r
-norm of the tuple of these elements is computed.
— Functiondistance(M::ProductManifold, p, q, r::Real=2)
distance(M::ProductManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod=LogarithmicInverseRetraction(), r::Real=2)
Compute the distance between q
and p
on an ProductManifold
First, the componentwise distances are computed. These can be approximated using the norm
of an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
. Then, the r
-norm of the tuple of these elements is computed.
— Methodget_component(M::ProductManifold, p, i)
Get the i
th component of a point p
on a ProductManifold
— Methodhas_components(::ProductManifold)
Return true
since points on an ProductManifold
consist of components.
— Methodinjectivity_radius(M::ProductManifold)
injectivity_radius(M::ProductManifold, x)
Compute the injectivity radius on the ProductManifold
, which is the minimum of the factor manifolds.
— Methodinner(M::ProductManifold, p, X, Y)
compute the inner product of two tangent vectors X
, Y
from the tangent space at p
on the ProductManifold
, which is just the sum of the internal manifolds that build M
— Methodinverse_retract(M::ProductManifold, p, q, m::AbstractInverseRetractionMethod)
Compute the inverse retraction from p
with respect to q
on the ProductManifold
using an AbstractInverseRetractionMethod
, which is used on each manifold of the product.
— Methodinverse_retract(M::ProductManifold, p, q, m::InverseProductRetraction)
Compute the inverse retraction from p
with respect to q
on the ProductManifold
using an InverseProductRetraction
, which by default encapsulates a inverse retraction for each manifold of the product. Then this method is performed elementwise, so the encapsulated inverse retraction methods have to be available per factor.
— Methodis_flat(::ProductManifold)
Return true if and only if all component manifolds of ProductManifold
are flat.
— Methodmanifold_dimension(M::ProductManifold)
Return the manifold dimension of the ProductManifold
, which is the sum of the manifold dimensions the product is made of.
— Methodnumber_of_components(M::ProductManifold{<:NTuple{N,Any}}) where {N}
Calculate the number of manifolds multiplied in the given ProductManifold
— Methodretract(M::ProductManifold, p, X, m::AbstractRetractionMethod)
Compute the retraction from p
with tangent vector X
on the ProductManifold
using the AbstractRetractionMethod
on every manifold.
— Methodretract(M::ProductManifold, p, X, m::ProductRetraction)
Compute the retraction from p
with tangent vector X
on the ProductManifold
using an ProductRetraction
, which by default encapsulates retractions of the base manifolds. Then this method is performed elementwise, so the encapsulated retractions method has to be one that is available on the manifolds.
— Methodriemann_tensor(M::ProductManifold, p, X, Y, Z)
Compute the Riemann tensor at point from p
with tangent vectors X
, Y
and Z
on the ProductManifold
— Methodsectional_curvature(M::ProductManifold, p, X, Y)
Compute the sectional curvature of a manifold $\mathcal M$ at a point $p \in \mathcal M$ on two linearly independent tangent vectors at $p$. It may be 0 for a product of non-flat manifolds if projections of X
and Y
on subspaces corresponding to component manifolds are not linearly independent.
— Methodsectional_curvature_max(M::ProductManifold)
Upper bound on sectional curvature of ProductManifold
. It is the maximum of sectional curvatures of component manifolds and 0 in case there are two or more component manifolds, as the sectional curvature corresponding to the plane spanned by vectors (X_1, 0)
and (0, X_2)
is 0.
— Methodsectional_curvature_min(M::ProductManifold)
Lower bound on sectional curvature of ProductManifold
. It is the minimum of sectional curvatures of component manifolds and 0 in case there are two or more component manifolds, as the sectional curvature corresponding to the plane spanned by vectors (X_1, 0)
and (0, X_2)
is 0.
— Methodselect_from_tuple(t::NTuple{N, Any}, positions::Val{P})
Selects elements of tuple t
at positions specified by the second argument. For example select_from_tuple(("a", "b", "c"), Val((3, 1, 1)))
returns ("c", "a", "a")
— Methodset_component!(M::ProductManifold, q, p, i)
Set the i
th component of a point q
on a ProductManifold
to p
, where p
is a point on the AbstractManifold
this factor of the product manifold consists of.
— Methodsubmanifold(M::ProductManifold, i::Integer)
Extract the i
th factor of the product manifold M
— Methodsubmanifold(M::ProductManifold, i::Val)
submanifold(M::ProductManifold, i::AbstractVector)
Extract the factor of the product manifold M
indicated by indices in i
. For example, for i
equal to Val((1, 3))
the product manifold constructed from the first and the third factor is returned.
The version with AbstractVector
is not type-stable, for better preformance use Val
— Methodsubmanifold_component(M::AbstractManifold, p, i::Integer)
submanifold_component(M::AbstractManifold, p, ::Val{i}) where {i}
submanifold_component(p, i::Integer)
submanifold_component(p, ::Val{i}) where {i}
Project the product array p
on M
to its i
th component. A new array is returned.
— Methodsubmanifold_components(M::AbstractManifold, p)
Get the projected components of p
on the submanifolds of M
. The components are returned in a Tuple.
— Methodvector_transport_to(M::ProductManifold, p, X, q, m::AbstractVectorTransportMethod)
Compute the vector transport the tangent vector X
at p
to q
on the ProductManifold
using an AbstractVectorTransportMethod
on each manifold.
— Methodvector_transport_to(M::ProductManifold, p, X, q, m::ProductVectorTransport)
Compute the vector transport the tangent vector X
at p
to q
on the ProductManifold
using a ProductVectorTransport
— Methodziptuples(a, b[, c[, d[, e]]])
Zips tuples a
, b
, and remaining in a fast, type-stable way. If they have different lengths, the result is trimmed to the length of the shorter tuple.
— TypeFiber{𝔽,TFiber<:FiberType,TM<:AbstractManifold{𝔽},TX} <: AbstractManifold{𝔽}
A fiber of a fiber bundle at a point p
on the manifold.
This fiber itself is also a manifold
. For vector fibers it's by default flat and hence isometric to the Euclidean
– base space of the fiber bundlepoint
– a point $p$ from the base space; the fiber corresponds to the preimage by bundle projection $\pi^{-1}(\{p\})$.
Fiber(M::AbstractManifold, p, fiber_type::FiberType)
A fiber of type fiber_type
at point p
from the manifold manifold
— Typeabstract type FiberType end
An abstract type for fiber types that can be used within Fiber
— TypeVectorSpaceFiber{𝔽,M,TSpaceType} = Fiber{𝔽,TSpaceType,M}
where {𝔽,M<:AbstractManifold{𝔽},TSpaceType<:VectorSpaceType}
Alias for a Fiber
when the fiber is a vector space.
Tangent Space
— TypeCotangentSpace{𝔽,M} = Fiber{𝔽,CotangentSpaceType,M} where {𝔽,M<:AbstractManifold{𝔽}}
A manifold for the Cotangent space $T^*_p\mathcal M$ at a point $p\in\mathcal M$. This is modelled as an alias for VectorSpaceFiber
corresponding to CotangentSpaceType
CotangentSpace(M::AbstractManifold, p)
Return the manifold (vector space) representing the cotangent space $T^*_p\mathcal M$ at point p
, $p\in\mathcal M$.
— TypeTangentSpace{𝔽,M} = Fiber{𝔽,TangentSpaceType,M} where {𝔽,M<:AbstractManifold{𝔽}}
A manifold for the tangent space $T_p\mathcal M$ at a point $p\in\mathcal M$. This is modelled as an alias for VectorSpaceFiber
corresponding to TangentSpaceType
TangentSpace(M::AbstractManifold, p)
Return the manifold (vector space) representing the tangent space $T_p\mathcal M$ at point p
, $p\in\mathcal M$.
— Methodexp(TpM::TangentSpace, X, V)
Exponential map of tangent vectors X
from TpM
and a direction V
, which is also from the TangentSpace
since we identify the tangent space of TpM
with TpM
. The exponential map then simplifies to the sum X+V
— Methodlog(TpM::TangentSpace, X, Y)
Logarithmic map on the TangentSpace
, calculated as the difference of tangent vectors q
and p
from TpM
— MethodY = Weingarten(TpM::TangentSpace, X, V, A)
Weingarten!(TpM::TangentSpace, Y, p, X, V)
Compute the Weingarten map $\mathcal W_X$ at X
on the TangentSpace
with respect to the tangent vector $V \in T_p\mathcal M$ and the normal vector $A \in N_p\mathcal M$.
Since this a flat space by itself, the result is always the zero tangent vector.
— Methodbase_point(TpM::TangentSpace)
Return the base point of the TangentSpace
— Methoddistance(M::TangentSpace, X, Y)
Distance between vectors X
and Y
from the TangentSpace
. It is calculated as the norm
(induced by the metric on TpM
) of their difference.
— Methodinjectivity_radius(TpM::TangentSpace)
Return the injectivity radius on the TangentSpace
, which is $∞$.
— Methodinner(M::TangentSpace, X, V, W)
For any $X ∈ T_p\mathcal M$ we identify the tangent space $T_X(T_p\mathcal M)$ with $T_p\mathcal M$ again. Hence an inner product of $V,W$ is just the inner product of the tangent space itself. $⟨V,W⟩_X = ⟨V,W⟩_p$.
— Methodis_flat(::TangentSpace)
The TangentSpace
is a flat manifold, so this returns true
— Methodmanifold_dimension(TpM::TangentSpace)
Return the dimension of the TangentSpace
$T_p\mathcal M$ at $p∈\mathcal M$, which is the same as the dimension of the manifold $\mathcal M$.
— Methodparallel_transport_to(::TangentSpace, X, V, Y)
Transport the tangent vector $Z ∈ T_X(T_p\mathcal M)$ from X
to Y
. Since we identify $T_X(T_p\mathcal M) = T_p\mathcal M$ and the tangent space is a vector space, parallel transport simplifies to the identity, so this function yields $V$ as a result.
— Methodproject(TpM::TangentSpace, X, V)
Project the vector V
from the embedding of the tangent space TpM
(identified with $T_X(T_p\mathcal M)$), that is project the vector V
onto the tangent space at TpM.point
— Methodproject(TpM::TangentSpace, X)
Project the point X
from embedding of the TangentSpace
onto TpM
— Methodzero_vector(TpM::TangentSpace, X)
Zero tangent vector at point X
from the TangentSpace
, that is the zero tangent vector at point TpM.point
, since we identify the tangent space $T_X(T_p\mathcal M)$ with $T_p\mathcal M$.
— Methodzero_vector(TpM::TangentSpace)
Zero tangent vector in the TangentSpace
, that is the zero tangent vector at point TpM.point