Bases for tangent spaces

The following functions and types provide support for bases of the tangent space of different manifolds. Moreover, bases of the cotangent space are also supported, though this description focuses on the tangent space. An orthonormal basis of the tangent space $T_p \mathcal M$ of (real) dimension $n$ has a real-coefficient basis $e_1, e_2, …, e_n$ if $\mathrm{Re}(g_p(e_i, e_j)) = δ_{ij}$ for each $i,j ∈ \{1, 2, …, n\}$ where $g_p$ is the Riemannian metric at point $p$. A vector $X$ from the tangent space $T_p \mathcal M$ can be expressed in Einstein notation as a sum $X = X^i e_i$, where (real) coefficients $X^i$ are calculated as $X^i = \mathrm{Re}(g_p(X, e_i))$.

The main types are:

The main functions are:

  • get_basis precomputes a basis at a certain point.
  • get_coordinates returns coordinates of a tangent vector.
  • get_vector returns a vector for the specified coordinates.
  • get_vectors returns a vector of basis vectors. Calling it should be avoided for high-dimensional manifolds.

Abstract type that represents a basis of vector space of type VST on a manifold or a subset of it.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

See also



Abstract type that represents an orthonormal basis of vector space of type VST on a manifold or a subset of it.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

See also


CachedBasis{𝔽,V,<:AbstractBasis{𝔽}} <: AbstractBasis{𝔽}

A cached version of the given basis with precomputed basis vectors. The basis vectors are stored in data, either explicitly (like in cached variants of ProjectedOrthonormalBasis) or implicitly.


CachedBasis(basis::AbstractBasis, data)

An arbitrary basis of vector space of type VST on a manifold. This will usually be the fastest basis available for a manifold.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

See also



An arbitrary orthogonal basis of vector space of type VST on a manifold. This will usually be the fastest orthogonal basis available for a manifold.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

See also


DefaultOrthonormalBasis(𝔽::AbstractNumbers = ℝ, vs::VectorSpaceType = TangentSpaceType())

An arbitrary orthonormal basis of vector space of type VST on a manifold. This will usually be the fastest orthonormal basis available for a manifold.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

See also


DiagonalizingOrthonormalBasis{𝔽,TV} <: AbstractOrthonormalBasis{𝔽,TangentSpaceType}

An orthonormal basis Ξ as a vector of tangent vectors (of length determined by manifold_dimension) in the tangent space that diagonalizes the curvature tensor $R(u,v)w$ and where the direction frame_direction $v$ has curvature 0.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.


DiagonalizingOrthonormalBasis(frame_direction, 𝔽::AbstractNumbers = ℝ)
ProjectedOrthonormalBasis(method::Symbol, 𝔽::AbstractNumbers = ℝ)

An orthonormal basis that comes from orthonormalization of basis vectors of the ambient space projected onto the subspace representing the tangent space at a given point.

The type parameter 𝔽 denotes the AbstractNumbers that will be used as coefficients in linear combinations of the basis vectors.

Available methods:

  • :gram_schmidt uses a modified Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization.
  • :svd uses SVD decomposition to orthogonalize projected vectors. The SVD-based method should be more numerically stable at the cost of an additional assumption (local metric tensor at a point where the basis is calculated has to be diagonal).

Abstract type for tangent spaces, cotangent spaces, their tensor products, exterior products, etc.

Every vector space fiber is supposed to provide:

  • a method of constructing vectors,
  • basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication by a scalar and negation (unary minus),
  • zero_vector(fiber, p) to construct zero vectors at point p,
  • allocate(X) and allocate(X, T) for vector X and type T,
  • copyto!(X, Y) for vectors X and Y,
  • number_eltype(v) for vector v,
  • vector_space_dimension.


  • inner product via inner (used to provide Riemannian metric on vector bundles),
  • flat and sharp,
  • norm (by default uses inner),
  • project (for embedded vector spaces),
  • representation_size,
  • broadcasting for basic operations.
allocation_promotion_function(M::AbstractManifold, f, args::Tuple)

Determine the function that must be used to ensure that the allocated representation is of the right type. This is needed for get_vector when a point on a complex manifold is represented by a real-valued vectors with a real-coefficient basis, so that a complex-valued vector representation is allocated.

change_basis(M::AbstractManifold, p, c, B_in::AbstractBasis, B_out::AbstractBasis)

Given a vector with coordinates c at point p from manifold M in basis B_in, compute coordinates of the same vector in basis B_out.

coordinate_eltype(M::AbstractManifold, p, 𝔽::AbstractNumbers)

Get the element type for 𝔽-field coordinates of the tangent space at a point p from manifold M. This default assumes that usually complex bases of complex manifolds have real coordinates but it can be overridden by a more specific method.

dual_basis(M::AbstractManifold, p, B::AbstractBasis)

Get the dual basis to B, a basis of a vector space at point p from manifold M.

The dual to the $i$th vector $v_i$ from basis B is a vector $v^i$ from the dual space such that $v^i(v_j) = δ^i_j$, where $δ^i_j$ is the Kronecker delta symbol:

\[δ^i_j = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } i=j, \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise.} \end{cases}\]

get_basis(M::AbstractManifold, p, B::AbstractBasis; kwargs...) -> CachedBasis

Compute the basis vectors of the tangent space at a point on manifold M represented by p.

Returned object derives from AbstractBasis and may have a field .vectors that stores tangent vectors or it may store them implicitly, in which case the function get_vectors needs to be used to retrieve the basis vectors.

See also: get_coordinates, get_vector

get_coordinates(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, B::AbstractBasis)
get_coordinates(M::AbstractManifold, p, X, B::CachedBasis)

Compute a one-dimensional vector of coefficients of the tangent vector X at point denoted by p on manifold M in basis B.

Depending on the basis, p may not directly represent a point on the manifold. For example if a basis transported along a curve is used, p may be the coordinate along the curve. If a CachedBasis is provided, their stored vectors are used, otherwise the user has to provide a method to compute the coordinates.

For the CachedBasis keep in mind that the reconstruction with get_vector requires either a dual basis or the cached basis to be selfdual, for example orthonormal

See also: get_vector, get_basis

X = get_vector(M::AbstractManifold, p, c, B::AbstractBasis)

Convert a one-dimensional vector of coefficients in a basis B of the tangent space at p on manifold M to a tangent vector X at p.

Depending on the basis, p may not directly represent a point on the manifold. For example if a basis transported along a curve is used, p may be the coordinate along the curve.

For the CachedBasis keep in mind that the reconstruction from get_coordinates requires either a dual basis or the cached basis to be selfdual, for example orthonormal

See also: get_coordinates, get_basis

get_vectors(M::AbstractManifold, p, B::AbstractBasis)

Get the basis vectors of basis B of the tangent space at point p.

gram_schmidt(M::AbstractManifold{𝔽}, p, B::AbstractBasis{𝔽}) where {𝔽}
gram_schmidt(M::AbstractManifold, p, V::AbstractVector)

Compute an ONB in the tangent space at p on the [AbstractManifold](@ref} M from either an AbstractBasis basis ´B´ or a set of (at most) manifold_dimension(M) many vectors. Note that this method requires the manifold and basis to work on the same AbstractNumbers 𝔽, i.e. with real coefficients.

The method always returns a basis, i.e. linearly dependent vectors are removed.

Keyword arguments

  • warn_linearly_dependent (false) – warn if the basis vectors are not linearly independent
  • skip_linearly_dependent (false) – whether to just skip (true) a vector that is linearly dependent to the previous ones or to stop (false, default) at that point
  • return_incomplete_set (false) – throw an error if the resulting set of vectors is not a basis but contains less vectors

further keyword arguments can be passed to set the accuracy of the independence test. Especially atol is raised slightly by default to atol = 5*1e-16.

Return value

When a set of vectors is orthonormalized a set of vectors is returned. When an AbstractBasis is orthonormalized, a CachedBasis is returned.

hat(M::AbstractManifold, p, Xⁱ)

Given a basis $e_i$ on the tangent space at a point p and tangent component vector $X^i ∈ ℝ$, compute the equivalent vector representation $X=X^i e_i$, where Einstein summation notation is used:

\[∧ : X^i ↦ X^i e_i\]

For array manifolds, this converts a vector representation of the tangent vector to an array representation. The vee map is the hat map's inverse.

number_of_coordinates(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractBasis)
number_of_coordinates(M::AbstractManifold, ::𝔾)

Compute the number of coordinates in basis of field type 𝔾 on a manifold M. This also corresponds to the number of vectors represented by B, or stored within B in case of a CachedBasis.

vee(M::AbstractManifold, p, X)

Given a basis $e_i$ on the tangent space at a point p and tangent vector X, compute the vector components $X^i ∈ ℝ$, such that $X = X^i e_i$, where Einstein summation notation is used:

\[\vee : X^i e_i ↦ X^i\]

For array manifolds, this converts an array representation of the tangent vector to a vector representation. The hat map is the vee map's inverse.
