Hyperbolic space
The hyperbolic space can be represented in three different models.
- Hyperboloid which is the default model, i.e. is used when using arbitrary array types for points and tangent vectors
- Poincaré ball with separate types for points and tangent vectors and a visualization for the two-dimensional case
- Poincaré half space with separate types for points and tangent vectors and a visualization for the two-dimensional cae.
In the following the common functions are collected.
A function in this general section uses vectors interpreted as if in the hyperboloid model, and other representations usually just convert to this representation to use these general functions.
— TypeHyperbolic{T} <: AbstractDecoratorManifold{ℝ}
The hyperbolic space $\mathcal H^n$ represented by $n+1$-Tuples, i.e. embedded in the Lorentz
ian manifold equipped with the MinkowskiMetric
$⟨⋅,⋅⟩_{\mathrm{M}}$. The space is defined as
\[\mathcal H^n = \Bigl\{p ∈ ℝ^{n+1}\ \Big|\ ⟨p,p⟩_{\mathrm{M}}= -p_{n+1}^2 + \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^n p_k^2 = -1, p_{n+1} > 0\Bigr\},.\]
The tangent space $T_p \mathcal H^n$ is given by
\[T_p \mathcal H^n := \bigl\{ X ∈ ℝ^{n+1} : ⟨p,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}} = 0 \bigr\}.\]
Note that while the MinkowskiMetric
renders the Lorentz
manifold (only) pseudo-Riemannian, on the tangent bundle of the Hyperbolic space it induces a Riemannian metric. The corresponding sectional curvature is $-1$.
If p
and X
are Vector
s of length n+1
they are assumed to be a HyperboloidPoint
and a HyperboloidTangentVector
, respectively
Other models are the Poincaré ball model, see PoincareBallPoint
and PoincareBallTangentVector
, respectively and the Poincaré half space model, see PoincareHalfSpacePoint
and PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
, respectively.
Hyperbolic(n::Int; parameter::Symbol=:type)
Generate the Hyperbolic manifold of dimension n
— TypeHyperboloidPoint <: AbstractManifoldPoint
In the Hyperboloid model of the Hyperbolic
$\mathcal H^n$ points are represented as vectors in $ℝ^{n+1}$ with MinkowskiMetric
equal to $-1$.
This representation is the default, i.e. AbstractVector
s are assumed to have this representation.
— TypeHyperboloidTangentVector <: AbstractTangentVector
In the Hyperboloid model of the Hyperbolic
$\mathcal H^n$ tangent vctors are represented as vectors in $ℝ^{n+1}$ with MinkowskiMetric
$⟨p,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}}=0$ to their base point $p$.
This representation is the default, i.e. vectors are assumed to have this representation.
— TypePoincareBallPoint <: AbstractManifoldPoint
A point on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ can be represented as a vector of norm less than one in $\mathbb R^n$.
— TypePoincareBallTangentVector <: AbstractTangentVector
In the Poincaré ball model of the Hyperbolic
$\mathcal H^n$ tangent vectors are represented as vectors in $ℝ^{n}$.
— TypePoincareHalfSpacePoint <: AbstractManifoldPoint
A point on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ can be represented as a vector in the half plane, i.e. $x ∈ ℝ^n$ with $x_d > 0$.
— TypePoincareHalfPlaneTangentVector <: AbstractTangentVector
In the Poincaré half plane model of the Hyperbolic
$\mathcal H^n$ tangent vectors are represented as vectors in $ℝ^{n}$.
— Methodexp(M::Hyperbolic, p, X)
Compute the exponential map on the Hyperbolic
space $\mathcal H^n$ emanating from p
towards X
. The formula reads
\[\exp_p X = \cosh(\sqrt{⟨X,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}}})p + \sinh(\sqrt{⟨X,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}}})\frac{X}{\sqrt{⟨X,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}}}},\]
where $⟨⋅,⋅⟩_{\mathrm{M}}$ denotes the MinkowskiMetric
on the embedding, the Lorentz
ian manifold, see for example the extended version [BPS15] of the paper [BPS16].
— Methodlog(M::Hyperbolic, p, q)
Compute the logarithmic map on the Hyperbolic
space $\mathcal H^n$, the tangent vector representing the geodesic
starting from p
reaches q
after time 1. The formula reads for $p ≠ q$
\[\log_p q = d_{\mathcal H^n}(p,q) \frac{q-⟨p,q⟩_{\mathrm{M}} p}{\lVert q-⟨p,q⟩_{\mathrm{M}} p \rVert_2},\]
where $⟨⋅,⋅⟩_{\mathrm{M}}$ denotes the MinkowskiMetric
on the embedding, the Lorentz
ian manifold. For $p=q$ the logarithmic map is equal to the zero vector For more details, see for example the extended version [BPS15] of the paper [BPS16].
— Methodmanifold_dimension(M::Hyperbolic)
Return the volume of the hyperbolic space manifold $\mathcal H^n$, i.e. infinity.
— Methodcheck_point(M::Hyperbolic, p; kwargs...)
Check whether p
is a valid point on the Hyperbolic
For the HyperboloidPoint
or plain vectors this means that, p
is a vector of length $n+1$ with inner product in the embedding of -1, see MinkowskiMetric
. The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
For the PoincareBallPoint
a valid point is a vector $p ∈ ℝ^n$ with a norm strictly less than 1.
For the PoincareHalfSpacePoint
a valid point is a vector from $p ∈ ℝ^n$ with a positive last entry, i.e. $p_n>0$
— Methodcheck_vector(M::Hyperbolic, p, X; kwargs... )
Check whether X
is a tangent vector to p
on the Hyperbolic
, i.e. after check_point
, X
has to be of the same dimension as p
. The tolerance for the last test can be set using the kwargs...
For a the hyperboloid model or vectors, X
has to be orthogonal to p
with respect to the inner product from the embedding, see MinkowskiMetric
For a the Poincaré ball as well as the Poincaré half plane model, X
has to be a vector from $ℝ^{n}$.
— Methodinjectivity_radius(M::Hyperbolic)
injectivity_radius(M::Hyperbolic, p)
Return the injectivity radius on the Hyperbolic
, which is $∞$.
— Methodis_flat(::Hyperbolic)
Return false. Hyperbolic
is not a flat manifold.
— Methodmanifold_dimension(M::Hyperbolic)
Return the dimension of the hyperbolic space manifold $\mathcal H^n$, i.e. $\dim(\mathcal H^n) = n$.
— Methodparallel_transport_to(M::Hyperbolic, p, X, q)
Compute the parallel transport of the X
from the tangent space at p
on the Hyperbolic
space $\mathcal H^n$ to the tangent at q
along the geodesic
connecting p
and q
. The formula reads
\[\mathcal P_{q←p}X = X - \frac{⟨\log_p q,X⟩_p}{d^2_{\mathcal H^n}(p,q)} \bigl(\log_p q + \log_qp \bigr),\]
where $⟨⋅,⋅⟩_p$ denotes the inner product in the tangent space at p
— Methodproject(M::Hyperbolic, p, X)
Perform an orthogonal projection with respect to the Minkowski inner product of X
onto the tangent space at p
of the Hyperbolic
space M
The formula reads
\[Y = X + ⟨p,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}} p,\]
where $⟨⋅, ⋅⟩_{\mathrm{M}}$ denotes the MinkowskiMetric
on the embedding, the Lorentz
ian manifold.
Projection is only available for the (default) HyperboloidTangentVector
representation, the others don't have such an embedding
— Methodriemann_tensor(M::Hyperbolic{n}, p, X, Y, Z)
Compute the Riemann tensor $R(X,Y)Z$ at point p
on Hyperbolic
. The formula reads (see e.g., [Lee19] Proposition 8.36)
\[R(X,Y)Z = - (\langle Z, Y \rangle X - \langle Z, X \rangle Y)\]
— Methodsectional_curvature(::Hyperbolic, p, X, Y)
Sectional curvature of Hyperbolic
is -1 if dimension is > 1 and 0 otherwise.
— Methodsectional_curvature_max(::Hyperbolic)
Sectional curvature of Hyperbolic
is -1 if dimension is > 1 and 0 otherwise.
— Methodsectional_curvature_min(M::Hyperbolic)
Sectional curvature of Hyperbolic
is -1 if dimension is > 1 and 0 otherwise.
— Methodmean(
method = CyclicProximalPointEstimation();
Compute the Riemannian mean
of x
on the Hyperbolic
space using CyclicProximalPointEstimation
hyperboloid model
— Methodconvert(::Type{HyperboloidPoint}, p::PoincareBallPoint)
convert(::Type{AbstractVector}, p::PoincareBallPoint)
convert a point PoincareBallPoint
(from $ℝ^n$) from the Poincaré ball model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a HyperboloidPoint
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^{n+1}$. The isometry is defined by
\[π(p) = \frac{1}{1-\lVert p \rVert^2} \begin{pmatrix}2p_1\\⋮\\2p_n\\1+\lVert p \rVert^2\end{pmatrix}\]
Note that this is also used, when the type to convert to is a vector.
— Methodconvert(::Type{HyperboloidPoint}, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
convert(::Type{AbstractVector}, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
convert a point PoincareHalfSpacePoint
(from $ℝ^n$) from the Poincaré half plane model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a HyperboloidPoint
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^{n+1}$.
This is done in two steps, namely transforming it to a Poincare ball point and from there further on to a Hyperboloid point.
— Methodconvert(::Type{HyperboloidTangentVector}, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector)
convert(::Type{AbstractVector}, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector)
Convert the PoincareBallTangentVector
from the tangent space at p
to a HyperboloidTangentVector
by computing the push forward of the isometric map, cf. convert(::Type{HyperboloidPoint}, p::PoincareBallPoint)
The push forward $π_*(p)$ maps from $ℝ^n$ to a subspace of $ℝ^{n+1}$, the formula reads
\[π_*(p)[X] = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{2X_1}{1-\lVert p \rVert^2} + \frac{4}{(1-\lVert p \rVert^2)^2}⟨X,p⟩p_1\\ ⋮\\ \frac{2X_n}{1-\lVert p \rVert^2} + \frac{4}{(1-\lVert p \rVert^2)^2}⟨X,p⟩p_n\\ \frac{4}{(1-\lVert p \rVert^2)^2}⟨X,p⟩ \end{pmatrix}.\]
— Methodconvert(::Type{HyperboloidTangentVector}, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint, X::PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector)
convert(::Type{AbstractVector}, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint, X::PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector)
convert a point PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
(from $ℝ^n$) at p
from the Poincaré half plane model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a HyperboloidTangentVector
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^{n+1}$.
This is done in two steps, namely transforming it to a Poincare ball point and from there further on to a Hyperboloid point.
— Methodconvert(
(p, X)::Tuple{PoincareBallPoint,PoincareBallTangentVector},
) where {P<:AbstractVector, T <: AbstractVector}
Convert a PoincareBallPoint
and a PoincareBallTangentVector
to a HyperboloidPoint
and a HyperboloidTangentVector
simultaneously, see convert(::Type{HyperboloidPoint}, ::PoincareBallPoint)
and convert(::Type{HyperboloidTangentVector}, ::PoincareBallPoint, ::PoincareBallTangentVector)
for the formulae.
— Methodconvert(
(p,X)::Tuple{PoincareHalfSpacePoint, PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}
(p,X)::Tuple{PoincareHalfSpacePoint, PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}
) where {T<:AbstractVector}
convert a point PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
(from $ℝ^n$) at p
from the Poincaré half plane model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a tuple of a HyperboloidPoint
and a HyperboloidTangentVector
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^{n+1}$ simultaneously.
This is done in two steps, namely transforming it to the Poincare ball model and from there further on to a Hyperboloid.
— MethodY = riemannian_Hessian(M::Hyperbolic, p, G, H, X)
riemannian_Hessian!(M::Hyperbolic, Y, p, G, H, X)
Compute the Riemannian Hessian $\operatorname{Hess} f(p)[X]$ given the Euclidean gradient $∇ f(\tilde p)$ in G
and the Euclidean Hessian $∇^2 f(\tilde p)[\tilde X]$ in H
, where $\tilde p, \tilde X$ are the representations of $p,X$ in the embedding,.
Let $\mathbf{g} = \mathbf{g}^{-1} = \operatorname{diag}(1,...,1,-1)$. Then using Remark 4.1 [Ngu23] the formula reads
\[\operatorname{Hess}f(p)[X] = \operatorname{proj}_{T_p\mathcal M}\bigl( \mathbf{g}^{-1}\nabla^2f(p)[X] + X⟨p,\mathbf{g}^{-1}∇f(p)⟩_p \bigr).\]
— Methodvolume_density(M::Hyperbolic, p, X)
Compute volume density function of the hyperbolic manifold. The formula reads $(\sinh(\lVert X\rVert)/\lVert X\rVert)^(n-1)$ where n
is the dimension of M
. It is derived from Eq. (4.1) in[CLLD22].
— Methodchange_representer(M::Hyperbolic, ::EuclideanMetric, p, X)
Change the Eucliden representer X
of a cotangent vector at point p
. We only have to correct for the metric, which means that the sign of the last entry changes, since for the result $Y$ we are looking for a tangent vector such that
\[ g_p(Y,Z) = -y_{n+1}z_{n+1} + \sum_{i=1}^n y_iz_i = \sum_{i=1}^{n+1} z_ix_i\]
holds, which directly yields $y_i=x_i$ for $i=1,\ldots,n$ and $y_{n+1}=-x_{n+1}$.
— Methoddistance(M::Hyperbolic, p, q)
distance(M::Hyperbolic, p::HyperboloidPoint, q::HyperboloidPoint)
Compute the distance on the Hyperbolic
, which reads
\[d_{\mathcal H^n}(p,q) = \operatorname{acosh}( - ⟨p, q⟩_{\mathrm{M}}),\]
where $⟨⋅,⋅⟩_{\mathrm{M}}$ denotes the MinkowskiMetric
on the embedding, the Lorentz
ian manifold, see for example the extended version [BPS15] of the paper [BPS16].
— Methodget_coordinates(M::Hyperbolic, p, X, ::DefaultOrthonormalBasis)
Compute the coordinates of the vector X
with respect to the orthogonalized version of the unit vectors from $ℝ^n$, where $n$ is the manifold dimension of the Hyperbolic
, putting them into the tangent space at p
and orthonormalizing them.
— Methodget_vector(M::Hyperbolic, p, c, ::DefaultOrthonormalBasis)
Compute the vector from the coordinates with respect to the orthogonalized version of the unit vectors from $ℝ^n$, where $n$ is the manifold dimension of the Hyperbolic
, putting them into the tangent space at p
and orthonormalizing them.
— Methodinner(M::Hyperbolic, p, X, Y)
inner(M::Hyperbolic, p::HyperboloidPoint, X::HyperboloidTangentVector, Y::HyperboloidTangentVector)
Cmpute the inner product in the Hyperboloid model, i.e. the minkowski_metric
in the embedding. The formula reads
\[g_p(X,Y) = ⟨X,Y⟩_{\mathrm{M}} = -X_{n}Y_{n} + \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} X_kY_k.\]
This employs the metric of the embedding, see Lorentz
space, see for example the extended version [BPS15] of the paper [BPS16].
Visualization of the Hyperboloid
For the case of Hyperbolic
there is plotting available based on a PlottingRecipe. You can easily plot points, connecting geodesics as well as tangent vectors.
The recipes are only loaded if Plots.jl or RecipesBase.jl is loaded.
If we consider a set of points, we can first plot these and their connecting geodesics using the geodesic_interpolation
for the points. This variable specifies with how many points a geodesic between two successive points is sampled (per default it's -1
, which deactivates geodesics) and the line style is set to be a path.
In general you can plot the surface of the hyperboloid either as wireframe (wireframe=true
) additionally specifying wires
(or wires_x
and wires_y
) to change the density of wires and a wireframe_color
. The same holds for the plot as a surface
(which is false
by default) and its surface_resolution
(or surface_resolution_x
or surface_resolution_y
) and a surface_color
using Manifolds, Plots
M = Hyperbolic(2)
pts = [ [0.85*cos(φ), 0.85*sin(φ), sqrt(0.85^2+1)] for φ ∈ range(0,2π,length=11) ]
scene = plot(M, pts; geodesic_interpolation=100)
To just plot the points atop, we can just omit the geodesic_interpolation
parameter to obtain a scatter plot. Note that we avoid redrawing the wireframe in the following plot!
plot!(scene, M, pts; wireframe=false)
We can further generate tangent vectors in these spaces and use a plot for there. Keep in mind that a tangent vector in plotting always requires its base point.
pts2 = [ [0.45 .*cos(φ + 6π/11), 0.45 .*sin(φ + 6π/11), sqrt(0.45^2+1) ] for φ ∈ range(0,2π,length=11)]
vecs = log.(Ref(M),pts,pts2)
plot!(scene, M, pts, vecs; wireframe=false)
Just to illustrate, for the first point the tangent vector is pointing along the following geodesic
plot!(scene, M, [pts[1], pts2[1]]; geodesic_interpolation=100, wireframe=false)
Internal functions
The following functions are available for internal use to construct points in the hyperboloid model
— Method_hyperbolize(M, p, Y)
Given the Hyperbolic
manifold using the hyperboloid model and a point p
thereon, we can put a vector $Y\in ℝ^n$ into the tangent space by computing its last component such that for the resulting p
we have that its minkowski_metric
is $⟨p,X⟩_{\mathrm{M}} = 0$, i.e. $X_{n+1} = \frac{⟨\tilde p, Y⟩}{p_{n+1}}$, where $\tilde p = (p_1,\ldots,p_n)$.
— Method_hyperbolize(M, q)
Given the Hyperbolic
manifold using the hyperboloid model, a point from the $q\in ℝ^n$ can be set onto the manifold by computing its last component such that for the resulting p
we have that its minkowski_metric
is $⟨p,p⟩_{\mathrm{M}} = - 1$, i.e. $p_{n+1} = \sqrt{\lVert q \rVert^2 - 1}$
Poincaré ball model
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, p::HyperboloidPoint)
convert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, p::T) where {T<:AbstractVector}
convert a HyperboloidPoint
$p∈ℝ^{n+1}$ from the hyperboloid model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a PoincareBallPoint
$π(p)∈ℝ^{n}$ in the Poincaré ball model. The isometry is defined by
\[π(p) = \frac{1}{1+p_{n+1}} \begin{pmatrix}p_1\\⋮\\p_n\end{pmatrix}\]
Note that this is also used, when x
is a vector.
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
convert a point PoincareHalfSpacePoint
(from $ℝ^n$) from the Poincaré half plane model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a PoincareBallPoint
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^n$. Denote by $\tilde p = (p_1,\ldots,p_{d-1})^{\mathrm{T}}$. Then the isometry is defined by
\[π(p) = \frac{1}{\lVert \tilde p \rVert^2 + (p_n+1)^2} \begin{pmatrix}2p_1\\⋮\\2p_{n-1}\\\lVert p\rVert^2 - 1\end{pmatrix}.\]
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareBallTangentVector}, p::HyperboloidPoint, X::HyperboloidTangentVector)
convert(::Type{PoincareBallTangentVector}, p::P, X::T) where {P<:AbstractVector, T<:AbstractVector}
convert a HyperboloidTangentVector
at p
to a PoincareBallTangentVector
on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ by computing the push forward $π_*(p)[X]$ of the isometry $π$ that maps from the Hyperboloid to the Poincaré ball, cf. convert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, ::HyperboloidPoint)
The formula reads
\[π_*(p)[X] = \frac{1}{p_{n+1}+1}\Bigl(\tilde X - \frac{X_{n+1}}{p_{n+1}+1}\tilde p \Bigl),\]
where $\tilde X = \begin{pmatrix}X_1\\⋮\\X_n\end{pmatrix}$ and $\tilde p = \begin{pmatrix}p_1\\⋮\\p_n\end{pmatrix}$.
— Methodconvert(
convert a PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
at p
to a PoincareBallTangentVector
on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ by computing the push forward $π_*(p)[X]$ of the isometry $π$ that maps from the Poincaré half space to the Poincaré ball, cf. convert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, ::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
The formula reads
\[π_*(p)[X] = \frac{1}{\lVert \tilde p\rVert^2 + (1+p_n)^2} \begin{pmatrix} 2X_1\\ ⋮\\ 2X_{n-1}\\ 2⟨X,p⟩ \end{pmatrix} - \frac{2}{(\lVert \tilde p\rVert^2 + (1+p_n)^2)^2} \begin{pmatrix} 2p_1(⟨X,p⟩+X_n)\\ ⋮\\ 2p_{n-1}(⟨X,p⟩+X_n)\\ (\lVert p \rVert^2-1)(⟨X,p⟩+X_n) \end{pmatrix}\]
where $\tilde p = \begin{pmatrix}p_1\\⋮\\p_{n-1}\end{pmatrix}$.
— Methodconvert(
(p, X)::Tuple{P,T},
) where {P<:AbstractVector, T <: AbstractVector}
Convert a HyperboloidPoint
and a HyperboloidTangentVector
to a PoincareBallPoint
and a PoincareBallTangentVector
simultaneously, see convert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, ::HyperboloidPoint)
and convert(::Type{PoincareBallTangentVector}, ::HyperboloidPoint, ::HyperboloidTangentVector)
for the formulae.
— Methodconvert(
(p, X)::Tuple{T,T},
) where {T <: AbstractVector}
Convert a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
and a PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
to a PoincareBallPoint
and a PoincareBallTangentVector
simultaneously, see convert(::Type{PoincareBallPoint}, ::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
and convert(::Type{PoincareBallTangentVector}, ::PoincareHalfSpacePoint, ::PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector)
for the formulae.
— Methodchange_metric(M::Hyperbolic, ::EuclideanMetric, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector)
Since in the metric we always have the term $α = \frac{2}{1-\sum_{i=1}^n p_i^2}$ per element, the correction for the metric reads $Z = \frac{1}{α}X$.
— Methodchange_representer(M::Hyperbolic, ::EuclideanMetric, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector)
Since in the metric we have the term $α = \frac{2}{1-\sum_{i=1}^n p_i^2}$ per element, the correction for the gradient reads $Y = \frac{1}{α^2}X$.
— Methoddistance(::Hyperbolic, p::PoincareBallPoint, q::PoincareBallPoint)
Compute the distance on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ represented in the Poincaré ball model. The formula reads
\[d_{\mathcal H^n}(p,q) = \operatorname{acosh}\Bigl( 1 + \frac{2\lVert p - q \rVert^2}{(1-\lVert p\rVert^2)(1-\lVert q\rVert^2)} \Bigr)\]
— Methodinner(::Hyperbolic, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector, Y::PoincareBallTangentVector)
Compute the inner product in the Poincaré ball model. The formula reads
\[g_p(X,Y) = \frac{4}{(1-\lVert p \rVert^2)^2} ⟨X, Y⟩ .\]
— Methodproject(::Hyperbolic, ::PoincareBallPoint, ::PoincareBallTangentVector)
projection of tangent vectors in the Poincaré ball model is just the identity, since the tangent space consists of all $ℝ^n$.
Visualization of the Poincaré ball
For the case of Hyperbolic
there is a plotting available based on a PlottingRecipe you can easily plot points, connecting geodesics as well as tangent vectors.
The recipes are only loaded if Plots.jl or RecipesBase.jl is loaded.
If we consider a set of points, we can first plot these and their connecting geodesics using the geodesic_interpolation
For the points. This variable specifies with how many points a geodesic between two successive points is sampled (per default it's -1
, which deactivates geodesics) and the line style is set to be a path. Another keyword argument added is the border of the Poincaré disc, namely circle_points = 720
resolution of the drawn boundary (every hlaf angle) as well as its color, hyperbolic_border_color = RGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
using Manifolds, Plots
M = Hyperbolic(2)
pts = PoincareBallPoint.( [0.85 .* [cos(φ), sin(φ)] for φ ∈ range(0,2π,length=11)])
scene = plot(M, pts, geodesic_interpolation = 100)
To just plot the points atop, we can just omit the geodesic_interpolation
parameter to obtain a scatter plot
plot!(scene, M, pts)
We can further generate tangent vectors in these spaces and use a plot for there. Keep in mind, that a tangent vector in plotting always requires its base point
pts2 = PoincareBallPoint.( [0.45 .* [cos(φ + 6π/11), sin(φ + 6π/11)] for φ ∈ range(0,2π,length=11)])
vecs = log.(Ref(M),pts,pts2)
plot!(scene, M, pts,vecs)
Just to illustrate, for the first point the tangent vector is pointing along the following geodesic
plot!(scene, M, [pts[1], pts2[1]], geodesic_interpolation=100)
Poincaré half space model
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, p::Hyperboloid)
convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, p)
convert a HyperboloidPoint
or Vector
(from $ℝ^{n+1}$) from the Hyperboloid model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
$π(x) ∈ ℝ^{n}$.
This is done in two steps, namely transforming it to a Poincare ball point and from there further on to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint point.
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, p::PoincareBallPoint)
convert a point PoincareBallPoint
(from $ℝ^n$) from the Poincaré ball model of the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
$π(p) ∈ ℝ^n$. Denote by $\tilde p = (p_1,\ldots,p_{n-1})$. Then the isometry is defined by
\[π(p) = \frac{1}{\lVert \tilde p \rVert^2 - (p_n-1)^2} \begin{pmatrix}2p_1\\⋮\\2p_{n-1}\\1-\lVert p\rVert^2\end{pmatrix}.\]
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}, p::HyperboloidPoint, ::HyperboloidTangentVector)
convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}, p::P, X::T) where {P<:AbstractVector, T<:AbstractVector}
convert a HyperboloidTangentVector
at p
to a PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ by computing the push forward $π_*(p)[X]$ of the isometry $π$ that maps from the Hyperboloid to the Poincaré half space, cf. convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, ::HyperboloidPoint)
This is done similarly to the approach there, i.e. by using the Poincaré ball model as an intermediate step.
— Methodconvert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}, p::PoincareBallPoint, X::PoincareBallTangentVector)
convert a PoincareBallTangentVector
at p
to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ by computing the push forward $π_*(p)[X]$ of the isometry $π$ that maps from the Poincaré ball to the Poincaré half space, cf. convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, ::PoincareBallPoint)
The formula reads
\[π_*(p)[X] = \frac{1}{\lVert \tilde p\rVert^2 + (1-p_n)^2} \begin{pmatrix} 2X_1\\ ⋮\\ 2X_{n-1}\\ -2⟨X,p⟩ \end{pmatrix} - \frac{2}{(\lVert \tilde p\rVert^2 + (1-p_n)^2)^2} \begin{pmatrix} 2p_1(⟨X,p⟩-X_n)\\ ⋮\\ 2p_{n-1}(⟨X,p⟩-X_n)\\ (\lVert p \rVert^2-1)(⟨X,p⟩-X_n) \end{pmatrix}\]
where $\tilde p = \begin{pmatrix}p_1\\⋮\\p_{n-1}\end{pmatrix}$.
— Methodconvert(
(p, X)::Tuple{P,T},
) where {P<:AbstractVector, T <: AbstractVector}
Convert a HyperboloidPoint
and a HyperboloidTangentVector
to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
and a PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
simultaneously, see convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, ::HyperboloidPoint)
and convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}, ::Tuple{HyperboloidPoint,HyperboloidTangentVector})
for the formulae.
— Methodconvert(
Convert a PoincareBallPoint
and a PoincareBallTangentVector
to a PoincareHalfSpacePoint
and a PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector
simultaneously, see convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpacePoint}, ::PoincareBallPoint)
and convert(::Type{PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector}, ::PoincareBallPoint,::PoincareBallTangentVector)
for the formulae.
— Methoddistance(::Hyperbolic, p::PoincareHalfSpacePoint, q::PoincareHalfSpacePoint)
Compute the distance on the Hyperbolic
manifold $\mathcal H^n$ represented in the Poincaré half space model. The formula reads
\[d_{\mathcal H^n}(p,q) = \operatorname{acosh}\Bigl( 1 + \frac{\lVert p - q \rVert^2}{2 p_n q_n} \Bigr)\]
— Methodinner(
Compute the inner product in the Poincaré half space model. The formula reads
\[g_p(X,Y) = \frac{⟨X,Y⟩}{p_n^2}.\]
— Methodproject(::Hyperbolic, ::PoincareHalfSpacePoint ::PoincareHalfSpaceTangentVector)
projection of tangent vectors in the Poincaré half space model is just the identity, since the tangent space consists of all $ℝ^n$.
Visualization on the Poincaré half plane
For the case of Hyperbolic
there is a plotting available based on a PlottingRecipe you can easily plot points, connecting geodesics as well as tangent vectors.
The recipes are only loaded if Plots.jl or RecipesBase.jl is loaded.
We again have two different recipes, one for points, one for tangent vectors, where the first one again can be equipped with geodesics between the points. In the following example we generate 7 points on an ellipse in the Hyperboloid model.
using Manifolds, Plots
M = Hyperbolic(2)
pre_pts = [2.0 .* [5.0*cos(φ), sin(φ)] for φ ∈ range(0,2π,length=7)]
pts = convert.(
Manifolds._hyperbolize.(Ref(M), pre_pts)
scene = plot(M, pts, geodesic_interpolation = 100)
To just plot the points atop, we can just omit the geodesic_interpolation
parameter to obtain a scatter plot
plot!(scene, M, pts)
We can further generate tangent vectors in these spaces and use a plot for there. Keep in mind, that a tangent vector in plotting always requires its base point. Here we would like to look at the tangent vectors pointing to the origin
origin = PoincareHalfSpacePoint([0.0,1.0])
vecs = [log(M,p,origin) for p ∈ pts]
scene = plot!(scene, M, pts, vecs)
And we can again look at the corresponding geodesics, for example
plot!(scene, M, [pts[1], origin], geodesic_interpolation=100)
plot!(scene, M, [pts[2], origin], geodesic_interpolation=100)
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