Heisenberg matrices
— TypeHeisenbergMatrices{T} <: AbstractDecoratorManifold{𝔽}
Heisenberg matrices HeisenbergMatrices(n)
is the manifold of $(n+2)×(n+2)$ matrices [BP08]
\[\begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf{a} & c \\ \mathbf{0}_n & I_n & \mathbf{b} \\ 0 & \mathbf{0}_n^\mathrm{T} & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
where $I_n$ is the $n×n$ unit matrix, $\mathbf{a}$ is a row vector of length $n$, $\mathbf{b}$ is a column vector of length $n$, $\mathbf{0}_n$ is the column zero vector of length $n$, and $c$ is a real number.
It is a submanifold of Euclidean
(n+2, n+2)
and the manifold of the HeisenbergGroup
HeisenbergMatrices(n::Int; parameter::Symbol=:type)
Generate the manifold of $(n+2)×(n+2)$ Heisenberg matrices.
— MethodY = Weingarten(M::HeisenbergMatrices, p, X, V)
Weingarten!(M::HeisenbergMatrices, Y, p, X, V)
Compute the Weingarten map $\mathcal W_p$ at p
on the HeisenbergMatrices
with respect to the tangent vector $X \in T_p\mathcal M$ and the normal vector $V \in N_p\mathcal M$.
Since this a flat space by itself, the result is always the zero tangent vector.
— Methodis_flat(::HeisenbergMatrices)
Return true. HeisenbergMatrices
is a flat manifold.
— Methodmanifold_dimension(M::HeisenbergMatrices)
Return the dimension of HeisenbergMatrices
, which is equal to $2n+1$.