
All notable Changes to the Julia package LieGroups.jl will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.1.0] – unreleased

Everything denoted by β€œformerly” refers to the previous name in Manifolds.jl.


  • LieAlgebra
  • LieGroup (formerly GroupManifold) as well as the concrete groups
    • TranslationGroup
    • SpecialEuclideanGroup (formerly SpecialEuclidean) including
      • SpecialEuclideanMatrixPoint and SpecialEuclideanMatrixTangentVector when representing thepoints as affine (abstract) matrices
      • SpecialEuclideanProductPoint and SpecialEuclideanProductTangentVector when representing them in a product structure, e.g. as an ArrayPartition from RecursiveArrayTools.
      • neither of those types is necessary, besides for conversion between both. The product representation differs for the left and right semidirect product, while the affine matrix variant does not.
    • SpecialOrthogonalGroup (formerly SpecialOrthogonal)
    • SpecialUnitaryGroup (formerly SpecialUnitary)
    • OrthogonalGroup (formerly Orthogonal)
    • UnitaryGroup (formerly Unitary)
    • GeneralLinearGroup (formerly GeneralLinear)
    • HeisenbergGroup
    • LeftSemidirectProductLieGroup (formerly SemidirectProductGroup)
    • ⋉ (alias for LeftSemidirectProductGroupOperation when a default_left_action(G,H) is defined for the two groups)
    • PowerLieGroup (formerly PowerGroup)
    • PowerGroupOperation to internally avoid ambiguities. Since the constructor always expects a Lie group, this is only necessary internally
    • ProductLieGroup (formerly ProductGroup)
    • RightSemidirectProductLieGroup
    • β‹Š (alias for RightSemidirectProductGroupOperation when a default_right_action(G,H) is defined for the two groups)
  • AbstractGroupOperation as well as its concrete subtypes
    • AdditionGroupOperation (formerly AdditionOperation)
    • MatrixMultiplicationGroupOperation (formerly MultiplicationOperation)
    • PowerGroupOperation (formerly the Lie group was stored inside a power manifold)
    • ProductGroupOperation (formerly the Lie groups were stored inside a product manifold)
    • LeftSemidirectProductGroupOperation (this was formerly only implicitly stored in the SemidirectProductGroup)
    • RightSemidirectProductGroupOperation
  • AbstractGroupActionType with its 2 specific (new) abstract subtypes
    • AbstractLeftGroupActionType
    • AbstractRightGroupActionType
  • For the group operation actions there are now
    • LeftGroupOperationAction (formerly LeftForwardAction)
    • RightGroupOperationAction (formerly RightBackwardAction)
    • InverseLeftGroupOperationAction (formerly RightForwardAction)
    • InverseRightGroupOperationAction (formerly LeftBackwardAction)
  • DefaultLieAlgebraOrthogonalBasis (replaces VeeOrthogonalBasis, which is still available in ManifoldsBase.jl)
  • AbstractLieGroupPoint and AbstractLieAlgebraTangentVector as abstract types to introduce point and Lie algebra tangent vector representations
  • Identity
  • applyand apply!
  • base_manifold to access the manifold within a Lie group
  • compose and compose!
  • conjugate and conjugate!
  • diff_apply, diff_apply!, diff_group_apply, and diff_group_apply! (formerly apply_diff_[group][!])
  • diff_conjugate and diff_conjugate!
  • diff_left_compose, diff_left_compose!, diff_right_compose, diff_right_compose! (formerly translate_diff with different sides)
  • exp(G::LieGroup, g, X) and exp!(G::LieGroup, h, g, X) (formerly exp_inv and exp_inv!)
  • exp(G::LieGroup, X) and exp!(G::LieGroup, h, X) (formerly exp_lie and exp_lie!)
  • hat and hat!, with slightly different signatures, since the base point is omitted.
  • identity_element and identity_element!
  • inv and inv! (inv(::AbstractGroupAction) was formerly switch_direction)
  • inv_left_compose, inv_left_compose! and inv_right_compose, inv_right_compose! (these functions correspond to inverse_translate with corresponding direction and side)
  • is_identity
  • lie_bracket and lie_bracket!
  • jacobian_conjugate (formerly adjoint_matrix, which is now a special case of this)
  • log(G::LieGroup, g, h) and log!(G::LieGroup, X, g, h) (formerly log_inv and log_inv!)
  • log(G::LieGroup, ::Identity, g) and log!(G::LieGroup, X, ::Identity, g) (formerly log_lie and log_lie!)
  • switch (formerly switch_side)
  • vee and vee!, with slightly different signatures, since the base point is omitted.

Compared to Manifolds.jl

  • all translate functions are not implemented here, since you can just use compose. The differentials are implemented as listed above with respect to both left and right argument of compose
  • all inverse_apply functions are not implemented here, since it is recommended to use apply(inv(A), g, p) as a replacement.

[0.0.3] – unreleased


  • Finishes most of the work on the interface for the LieGroup type and the new LieAlgebra type.
  • Finishes a generic implementation of a SemiDirectProductGroupOperation
  • All details will be detailed in the next release

Old Changelog pre 0.0.3

Two previous releases where done by Yueh-Hua Tu in 2022 before he was so kind to transfer the development to the JuliaManifolds GitHub organisation.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


  • fix SE{3} and add jacobian
  • define dof and dim for Lie algebra and jacobian of inv
  • add action for SE{N}
  • add se3_location example