The product Lie group
— TypeAbstractProductGroupOperation <: AbstractGroupOperation
An abstract type to model group operations on a product manifold
— TypeProductGroupOperation{O<:NTuple{N,AbstractGroupOperation} where N} <: AbstractProductGroupOperation
A struct do model a tuple of group operations, one for each factor of a product group, that together forms a new group operation.
Access to the single operations can be done by pgo[i]
×(o::AbstractGroupOperation...) = ProductGroupOperation(o...)
— MethodProductLieGroup(G, H, ...)
Return the LieGroup
of the product of Lie groups G
and H
Alternatively, the short hand G × H
can be used.
— Methodcross(O1::AbstractGroupOperation, O2::AbstractGroupOperation)
O1 × O2
O1 × O2 × O3 × ...
Return the ProductGroupOperation
For two AbstractGroupOperation` O1
and O2
, where for the case that one of them is a ProductGroupOperation
itself, the other is either prepended (if O1
is a product) or appended (if O2
is). If both are product operations, they are combined into one, keeping the order of operations.
For the case that more than two are concatenated with ×
this is iterated.
— Methodcross(G::LieGroup, H::LieGroup)
G × H
G1 × G2 × G3 × ...
Return the ProductLieGroup
For two LieGroups
and H
, where for the case that one of them is a ProductLieGroup
itself, the other is either prepended (if H
is a product) or appended (if G
is). If both are product Lie groups, they are combined into one, keeping the order of operations.
For the case that more than two are concatenated with ×
this is iterated.