The power Lie group

PowerGroupOperation{O<:AbstractGroupOperation} <: AbstractGroupOperation

A struct do model a that a certain group operation is applied element-wise on a PowerManifold.


PowerLieGroup(G::LieGroup, args...; kwargs...)
(G::LieGroup)^(n::Integer) = PowerLieGroup(G, n)

Generate the LieGroup of the n-th power of a Lie group G or manifold M. If passed a Lie group G, the group operation on the PowerLieGroup is the same as on G, but applied elementwise. Internally, the corresponding PowerGroupOperation is created. If you pass a manifold M, you have to provide the corresponding PowerGroupOperation yourself.

Bot the arguments args... as well as the keyword arguments kwargs... are passed on to the constructor of the PowerManifold. This especially includes the size of the manifold and allows to specify a NestedPowerRepresentation.


On power Lie groups, all functions work element-wise, so for their formulae, check the corresponding single Lie group for details.