The power Lie group
— TypePowerGroupOperation{O<:AbstractGroupOperation} <: AbstractGroupOperation
A struct do model a that a certain group operation is applied element-wise on a PowerManifold
— MethodPowerLieGroup(G::LieGroup, args...; kwargs...)
(G::LieGroup)^(n::Integer) = PowerLieGroup(G, n)
Generate the LieGroup
of the n
-th power of a Lie group G
or manifold M
. If passed a Lie group G
, the group operation on the PowerLieGroup
is the same as on G
, but applied elementwise. Internally, the corresponding PowerGroupOperation
is created. If you pass a manifold M
, you have to provide the corresponding PowerGroupOperation
Bot the arguments args...
as well as the keyword arguments kwargs...
are passed on to the constructor of the PowerManifold
. This especially includes the size
of the manifold and allows to specify a NestedPowerRepresentation
On power Lie groups, all functions work element-wise, so for their formulae, check the corresponding single Lie group for details.