The general linear group

LieGroups.GeneralLinearGroup โ€” Type

The general linear group $\mathrm{GL}(n)$ is the set of all invertible matrices

\[\mathrm{GL}(n) = \bigl\{ g โˆˆ ๐”ฝ^{nร—n}\ \big|\ \mathrm{det}(p) โ‰  0\bigr \}, \qquad ๐”ฝ โˆˆ \{ โ„, โ„‚ \},\]

equipped with the MatrixMultiplicationGroupOperation as the group operation.

The set of invertible matrices is a Riemannian manifold, since it inherits its structure from the embedding as an open subset of the space of matrices $โ„^{nร—n}$.


GeneralLinearGroup(n::Int; field=โ„, kwargs...)

Generate the general linear group group on $๐”ฝ^{nร—n}$. All keyword arguments in kwargs... are passed on to InvertibleMatrices.

Base.exp โ€” Method
exp(::GeneralLinearGroup, X)
exp!(::GeneralLinearGroup, g, X)

Compute the Lie group exponential on the GeneralLinearGroup, which is given by the matrix exponential

\[\exp X = \sum_{k=0}^{โˆž} \frac{1}{k!}X^k\]

see also [HN12, Example 9.2.3 (b)]
